Historical Records

Click through the tabs below for a summary of records incorporated into the Biodiversity Galiano dataset since the project began in January 2016. All records are currently under review, with a series of data papers in prep in collaboration with numerous naturalists and scientific experts. Records will soon be made available for download.

See Project Stats for a summary of species reported for Galiano to date, including formally accessioned voucher specimens, iNaturalist observations and list records.


  • Bryophytes and Lichens of Galiano Island 2010–2015 (list records, Terry McIntosh, Apr 2 2015)
  • Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database (vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen specimen records, Mar 4 2016)
  • Galiano Bog Plant List (list records, Harvey Janszen April 12, 1980; and Hans Roemer, Mar 29 1980 & Jun 12 2000)
  • Galiano Bird Checklist (bird list records, Galiano Naturalists, 2016)
  • Galiano Mushroom Festival List  (fungi list records, Rene Zich, Nov 2016)
  • Harvey’s Outer Gulf Islands Plant List (vascular plant list records; Harvey Janszen, Aug 10 2003)
  • Perennial Grass Communities of Mt. Sutil (vascular plant list records, Hans Roemer, Jul 2004)
  • Spencer Entomological Collection database (arthropod specimen records, Feb 12 2016)
  • UBC Herbarium database (algae, bryophyte, lichen and vascular plant specimen records, Dec 2 2015)
  • Bioblitz Galiano 2017 (list records, May 2017 Bioblitz)
  • Galiano Comprehensive Mushroom List (fungi list records, Rene Zich, Feb 2016)
  • Royal BC Museum database (arthropod records, Apr 12 2017; vascular plant records, Sept 11 2017)
  • Spencer Entomological Collection database (arthropod records, Jun 9 2017)
  • UBC Herbarium database (algae, bryophyte, lichen, fungi and vascular plant records, Jul 31 2017)
  • Vancouver Mycological Society Galiano List (list records, Kent Brothers, Jun 6 2017)
  • Vascular Plants Seen on Galiano Island (vascular plant list records, Terry Taylor, Aprl 21 2012)
  • Royal BC Museum database (arthropod records, Jan 16, 2018)
  • Spencer Entomological Collection database (arthropod records, Oct 24, 2018)
  • VertNet database (vertebrate records, Apr 28, 2018)
  • 18th Galiano Mushroom Festival List (list records, Galiano Naturalists, Nov 2018)
  • Bioblitz Mayne-Galiano 2019 (list records, May 2019 Bioblitz)
  • Checklist of Heteroptera Collected on Galiano Island, BC (list records, G.G.E. Scudder, Jun 21 2109)
  • Conservation Data Centre database (vascular plant observational records, Oct 2019)
  • Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database (algae, vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen specimen records, Oct 11, 2019)
  • Pacific Marine Life Surveys 1968–2018 (Galiano dive records, Oct 13, 2019)
  • Royal BC Museum database (vascular plants and marine invertebrate specimen records, Oct 25, 2019)
  • UBC Herbarium database (vascular plant specimen records, Oct 9, 2019)
  • 1999-2000 Urban Salmon Habitat Program Final Report (salmonid occurrence records, Keith Erickson, 2000)
  • BC Cetacean Sightings Network (community science observations, BCCSN, Jul 2020)
  • Canadian Museum of Nature (marine invertebrate specimen records, Sept 2020)
  • Marine animal records ROV (marine animal occurrence records, Chu and Leys, 2010)
  • Marine animal records ROV (marine animal occurrence records, Chu and Leys, 2012)
  • Barcode of Life Database marine macroalgae data (dna barcode data, BOLD, 2021)
  • Historical voucher specimens (marine animal specimen records, Agassiz, 1862)
  • Pacific Marine Life Surveys 2018–2021 (Galiano dive records, Jul 27 2021)
  • Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database (updated macroalgae specimen records, 2022)
  • Galiano Island phytoplankton and zooplankton records (specimen and metabarcode data, Mark Webber Siobhan Schenk, Arjan van Asselt, 2020)
  • Galiano Island Laughlin Lake vegetation data (vegetation plot data, Keith Erickson, 2002)
  • Galiano Island plant collections (vascular plant specimen records, Frank Lomer, Nov 2022)
  • Galiano Island plant phenology field data (vascular plant transect data, Andrew Simon, 2018)
  • Gossip Island plant list (vascular plant list records, Frank Lomer, Jun 2022)
  • Hunterston Farm BioBlitz data (list records, Hunterston Farm community, 2012)
  • Restoration Plan for District Lot 63 of the Pebble Beach Nature Reserve, Galiano Island – vegetation data (vegetation plot data, Keith Erickson, 2003)
  • UBC Herbarium database (updated vascular plant specimen records, 2022)
  • BioBlitz 2023 macroalgae data (macroalgae specimen records and dna barcode data, Sandra Lindstrom, 2023)
  • BioBlitz 2023 arthropod data (insect specimen records, Libby and Rick Avis, Karen Needham, Chris Ratzlaff, Oct 2023)

Submit Records for Galiano Island