Bluffs Park
Bluffs Park’s Biodiversity
Last updated August 2018
Presented below is a working list of species known to Bluffs Park, Galiano Island, BC, a much beloved community park managed by the Galiano Club. The list provides a snapshot of the diversity found across a spectrum of habitats, including oldgrowth conifer forests, wetlands, woodlands and associated rock outcrop communities.
Historical records from Bluffs Park are mostly limited to lichens collected by Willa Noble during her doctorate research, which was conducted through the late 1970s and early 1980s. More recent reports include those made by Bev Benedict, Olivia Lee and Frank Lomer. In addition to these historical records, the list includes iNaturalist observations made by Kathleen Buckley, Alison Colwell and the Galiano Twins, Felix Erhard, Scott Gilmore, Rob Greenwood, Adam Huggins, Rolando Lampitoc, Lauren Magner, Joe Malo, Ann Nightingale, Andrew Simon, Kevin Toomer, Sarah Tweedale and Alexander Wright. Special thanks to Stephen Bornik, Keith Carlson, Ann and Ken Denman, Meaghan Kennedy, Kris Krüg and Lyndsey Reiner for their contributions to this list during the 2016 Mini-Bioblitz!
Browse the gallery on the right for photographs of some of the sights to behold in beautiful Bluffs Park. The following list is searchable and can be sorted by scientific name, common name, group, family, conservation status and provenance. Please add to our knowledge of the park’s flora and fauna by contributing your photographs of species found in the park to the Biodiversity Galiano project. If you’d like your landscape photography featured in the Bluff’s Park gallery, please contact Sarah Tweedale. You’re encouraged to share a “nature note” along with any photographs you submit!
Visit the Galiano Club Bluffs Park webpage to learn more.

Scientific Name | Common name | Group/Habit | Family | Status | Observer(s) |
Andrena sp. | mining bee | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Andrenidae | — | A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Astata sp. | solitary predatory wasp | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Crabronidae | — | A. Simon (2016) |
Bombus bifarius | black-notched bumblebee | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Apidae | S5 (2016) | A. Simon (2018) |
Megachile perihirta | western leaf-cutting bee | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Megachilidae | S5 (2016) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Melissodes sp. | long-horned bee | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Apidae | — | A. Simon (2016) |
Seladonia sp. | halictid bee | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Halictidae | — | K. Toomer (2018) |
Spilichneumon sp. | ichneumonid wasp | ants, termites, bees, wasps & sawflies | Ichneumonidae | — | K. Toomer (2018) |
Camponotus vicinus | bicolored carpenter ant | ants, termites, bees, wasps, sawflies | Formicidae | S5 (2016) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Araneus diadematus | cross orbweaver | arachnids | Araneidae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Bassaniana cf utahensis | Utah crab spider | arachnids | Thomisidae | — | A. Simon (2016) |
Callobius pictus | hackled mesh weaver | arachnids | Amaurobiidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Cybaeus signifer | small colourful spider | arachnids | Cybaeidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Larinioides cornutus | furrow spider | arachnids | Araneidae | unlisted | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Latrodectus hesperus | western black widow | arachnids | Theridiidae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2017) |
Metaphidippus mannii | black-and-white jumper | arachnids | Salticidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Phidippus johnsoni | Johnson's jumper | arachnids | Salticidae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Pseudoscorpiones | pseudoscorpion | arachnids | — | S. Gilmore (2017) | |
Tetragnatha sp. | long-jawed orb-weaver | arachnids | Tetragnathidae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Theridion sp. | cobweb spider | arachnids | Theridiidae | — | A. Simon (2018) |
Xysticus sp. | ground crab spiders | arachnids | Thomisidae | — | A. Simon (2017) |
Cerobasis sp. | bark-fly | barkflies | Trogiidae | — | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Graphopsocus cruciatus | bark-fly | barkflies | Stenopsocidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Amphichroum maculatum | ocellate rove beetle | beetles | Staphylinidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Anthaxia retifer | metallic wood-boring beetle | beetles | Buprestidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Bruchidius villosus | broom seed beetle | beetles | Chrysomeloidea | exotic | A. Simon & K. Toomer (2018) |
Cardiophorus sp. | click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Chalcophora angulicollis | Western Sculptured Pine Borer | beetles | Buprestidae | S4S5 (2017) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Curculio sp. | nut and acorn weevil | beetles | Curculionidae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Cycloneda polita | western blood-red ladybeetle | beetles | Coccinellidae | S5 (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Dalopius corvinus | click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | SU (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Dyslobus granicollis | broad-nosed weevil | beetles | Curculionidae | S5 (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Ellychnia sp. | diurnal firefly | beetles | Lampyridae | — | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Epuraea aestiva | sap-feeding beetle | beetles | Nitidulidae | S5 (2017) | A. Simon (2017) |
Eronyxa pallida | transluscent beetle | beetles | Trogossitidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Idolus columbianus | patterned orange click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | unlisted | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Iphthiminus serratus | darkling beetle | beetles | Tenebrionidae | S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Isomura comstocki | darkling beetle | beetles | Tenebrionidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Malthodes sp. | soldier beetle | beetles | Cantharidae | — | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Mulsantina picta | painted ladybird | beetles | Coccinellidae | S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017); A. Simon (2018) |
Omus dejeani | greater night-stalking tiger beetle | beetles | Carabidae | S4S5 (2017) | A. Simon (2018) |
Otiorhynchus singularis | clay-colored weevil | beetles | Curculionidae | SNA (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Pidonia scripta | long-horned beetle | beetles | Cerambycidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Pissodes fasciatus | weevil | beetles | Curculionidae | SU (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Prosternon bombycinum | Lomatium click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | SU (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017); A. Simon (2018) |
Pseudanostirus sp. | click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Psyllobora borealis | western fairy ladybeetle | beetles | Coccinellidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Pterostichus algidus | ground beetle | beetles | Carabidae | S3S5 (2017) | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Ptinus sp. | spider beetle | beetles | Ptinidae | — | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Scaphinotus marginatus | snail-killing carabid | beetles | Carabidae | S5 (2017) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2017) |
Selatosomus lateralis | click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | SU (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Selatosomus suckleyi | click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | SU (2017) | A. Simon (2018) |
Silis sp. | soldier beetle | beetles | Cantharidae | — | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Xestobium affine | ptinid beetle | beetles | Ptinidae | S4S5 (2017) | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Accipiter cooperii | Cooper's hawk | birds | Acipitridae | S5 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Accipiter striatus | sharp-shinned hawk | birds | Acipitridae | S5B,S5N (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Aegolius acadicus | northern saw-whet owl | birds | Strigidae | S5B,S5N (2009) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Branta canadensis | Canada goose | birds | Anatidae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Bubo virginianus | great horned owl | birds | Strigidae | S5 (2015) | K. Toomer (2018) |
Buteo jamaicensis | red-tailed hawk | birds | Acipitridae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Calypte anna | Anna’s hummingbird | birds | Trochilidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Cardellina pusilla | Wilson's warbler | birds | Parulidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Cathartes aura | turkey vulture | birds | Cathartidae | S4 (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Catharus guttatus | hermit thrush | birds | Turdidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Catharus ustulatus | Swainson's thrush | birds | Turdidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Cepphus columba | pigeon guillemot | birds | Alcidae | S4B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Certhia americana | brown creeper | birds | Certhiidae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Chordeiles minor | common nighthawk | birds | Caprimulgidae | 1-T (SARA 2010 ) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Chroicocephalus philadelphia | Bonaparte's gull | birds | Laridae | S5? (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Colaptes auratus | northern flicker | birds | Picidae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Columba livia | rock pigeon | birds | Columbidae | exotic | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Contopus cooperi | olive-sided flycatcher | birds | Tyrannidae | 1-T (SARA 2010) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Corvus caurinus | northwestern crow | birds | Corvidae | S5 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Corvus corax | common raven | birds | Corvidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Cyanocitta stelleri | Steller's jay | birds | Corvidae | S5 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Dendragapus fuliginosus | sooty grouse | birds | Phasianidae | S4 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Dryocopus pileatus | pileated woodpecker | birds | Picidae | S5 (2015) | K. Toomer (2017); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Empidonax difficilis | Pacific slope flycatcher | birds | Tyrannidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Falco columbarius | merlin | birds | Falconidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Falco peregrinus | peregrine falcon | birds | Falconidae | 1-SC (SARA) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Falco sparverius | American kestrel | birds | Falconidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Haemorhous mexicanus | house finch | birds | Fringillidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Haemorhous purpureus | purple finch | birds | Fringillidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | bald eagle | birds | Accipitridae | S5B,S5N (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2017); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Hirundo rustica | barn swallow | birds | Hirundinidae | 1-T (SARA 2017) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Ixoreus naevius | varied thrush | birds | Turdidae | S5B (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Junco hyemalis | dark-eyed junco | birds | Emberizidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Larus glaucescens | glaucous-winged gull | birds | Laridae | S4 (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Loxia curvirostra | red crossbill | birds | Fringillidae | S5 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Melanitta perspicillata | surf scoter | birds | Anatidae | S3B,S4N (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Melospiza melodia | song sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Molothrus ater | brown-headed cowbird | birds | Icteridae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Myadestes townsendi | Townsend's solitaire | birds | Turdidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Oreothlypis celata | orange-crowned warbler | birds | Parulidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Pandion haliaetus | osprey | birds | Pandionidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Passerculus sandwichensis | savannah sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Passerella iliaca | fox sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Patagioenas fasciata | band-tailed pigeon | birds | Columbidae | 1-SC (SARA 2011) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Pheucticus melanocephalus | black-headed grosbeak | birds | Cardinalidae | S5B (2016) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Picoides pubescens | downy woodpecker | birds | Picidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Picoides villosus | hairy woodpecker | birds | Picidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Pipilo maculatus | spotted towhee | birds | Emberizidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Piranga ludoviciana | western tanager | birds | Cardinalidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Poecile rufescens | chestnut-backed chickadee | birds | Paridae | S5 (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Regulus calendula | ruby-crowned kinglet | birds | Regulidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Regulus satrapa | golden-crowned kinglet | birds | Regulidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Selasphorus rufus | rufous hummingbird | birds | Trochilidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Setophaga coronata | yellow-rumped warbler | birds | Parulidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Setophaga townsendi | Townsend's warbler | birds | Parulidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Sitta canadensis | red-breasted nuthatch | birds | Sittidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016) |
Sphyrapicus ruber | red-breasted sapsucker | birds | Picidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Spinus pinus | pine siskin | birds | Fringillidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Spinus tristis | American goldfinch | birds | Fringillidae | S4B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Spizella passerina | chipping sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Streptopelia decaocto | Eurasian collared dove | birds | Columbidae | exotic | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Strix varia | barred owl | birds | Strigidae | S5B (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Tachycineta bicolor | tree swallow | birds | Hirundinidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Tachycineta thalassina | violet-green swallow | birds | Hirundinidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Thryomanes bewickii | Bewick's wren | birds | Troglodytidae | S4 (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Troglodytes aedon | house wren | birds | Troglodytidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Troglodytes pacificus | Pacific wren | birds | Troglodytidae | S5B (2015) | A. Simon (2017); M. Hoebel (2018) |
Turdus migratorius | American robin | birds | Turdidae | S5B (2015) | A. Nightingale (2016); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); M. Hoebel (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Vireo cassinii | Cassin's vireo | birds | Vireonidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Vireo gilvus | warbling vireo | birds | Vireonidae | S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Zenaida macroura | mourning dove | birds | Columbidae | S4?B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Zonotrichia atricapilla | golden-crowned sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5?B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Zonotrichia leucophrys | white-crowned sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2011) | M. Hoebel (2018) |
Adela septentrionella | fairy longhorn moth | butterflies & moths | Adelidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Alucita montana | Montana six-plume moth | butterflies & moths | Alucitidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Anthocharis sara flora | Sarah's orange-tip | butterflies & moths | Pieridae | S4 (2013) | A. Simon (2018) |
Callophrys gryneus plicataria | cedar hairstreak | butterflies & moths | Lycaenidae | S4 (2013) | A. Simon (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Callophrys mossii mossii | moss' elfin | butterflies & moths | Lycaenidae | S2S3 (2013) | G. Straley (1981) |
Caloptilia sp. | leaf-miner moth | butterflies & moths | Gracillariidae | unlisted | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Cameraria gaultheriella | leaf-miner moth | butterflies & moths | Gracillariidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2018) |
Cameraria gaultheriella | leaf-miner moth | butterflies & moths | Gracillariidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Celastrina echo | western spring azure | butterflies & moths | Lycaenidae | S5 (2013) | A. Simon (2018) |
Erynnis propertius | Propertius duskywing | butterflies & moths | Hesperiidae | S2 (2013) | A. Simon & P. Archibald (2018) |
Marmara arbutiella | leaf-miner moth | butterflies & moths | Gracillariidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Melanolophia imitata | western carpet moth | butterflies & moths | Geometridae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Ochlodes sylvanoides | woodland skipper | butterflies & moths | Hesperiidae | S5 (2013) | A. Simon (2018) |
Papilio eurymedon | pale swallowtail | butterflies & moths | Papilionidae | S5 (2013) | A. Simon (2016) |
Xanthorhoe defensaria | geometrid moth | butterflies & moths | Geometridae | S4S5 (2017) | A. Simon (2018) |
Libellula forensis | eight-spotted skimmer | dragonflies | Libellulidae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Sympetrum illotum | cardinal meadowhawk | dragonflies | Libellulidae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. cyclosorum | lady fern | ferns & allies | Dryopteridaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Huggins (2016); A. Simon (2018) |
Pentagramma triangularis | goldback fern | ferns & allies | Pteridaceae | S4S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Polypodium glycyrrhiza | licorice fern | ferns & allies | Polypodiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Polystichum munitum | western sword fern | ferns & allies | Dryopteridaceae | S5 | R. Greenwood (2016); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Pteridium aquilinum ssp. pubescens | common bracken | ferns & allies | Dennstaedtiaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Selaginella wallacei | Wallace's spikemoss | ferns & allies | Selaginellaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Gymnosoma sp. | tachinid fly | flies | Tachinidae | — | A. Simon (2018) |
Scaeva pyrastri | Holarctic pied hoverfly | flies | Syrphidae | unlisted | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Tipula sp. | crane fly | flies | Tipulidae | — | K. Toomer (2018) |
Amanita pantherina | panthercap | fungi | Amanitaceae | unlisted | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Ascocoryne sarcoides | jelly drops | fungi | Helotiaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Bisporella citrina | yellow fairy cups | fungi | Helotiaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Boletus sp. | bolete | fungi | Boletaceae | — | K. Toomer (2017) |
Calocera cornea | tuning fork | fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Calocera viscosa | stagshorn | fungi | Dacrymycetaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Caloscypha fulgens | spring orange peel fungus | fungi | Caloscyphaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Clavaria fragilis | white worm coral | fungi | Clavariaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Clavulina cristata | white coral fungus | fungi | Clavulinaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Clitocybe vibecina | clitocybe mushroom | fungi | Tricholomataceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Coccomyces tumidus | leaf fungus | fungi | Rhytismataceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Coprinellus micaceus | mica cap | fungi | Psathyrellaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Fomes fomentarius | hoof fungus | fungi | Polyporaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Gliophorus laetus | heath waxcap | fungi | Hygrophoraceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Gomphidius oregonensis | insidious Gomphidius | fungi | Gomphidiaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Gymnopilus sapineus | scaly rustgill | fungi | Strophariaceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Gyromitra ancilis | pig's ears | fungi | Discinaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Gyromitra infula | saddle-shaped false morel | fungi | Discinaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Hericium abietis | bear’s head | fungi | Hericiaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Hygrocybe sp. | waxcap | fungi | Hygrophoraceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2016) |
Hypholoma capnoides | smoky-gilled hypoloma | fungi | Strophariaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Inocybe geophylla | white fibrecap | fungi | Inocybaceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Laccaria laccata | deceiver | fungi | Hydnangiaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Lycoperdon perlatum | common puffball | fungi | Lycoperdaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Marasmiellus candidus | white marasmius | fungi | Omphalotaceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2017) |
Nidula niveotomentosa | bird's nest fungus | fungi | Agaricaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Otidea sp. | ear fungus | fungi | Pyronemataceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Phaeolus schweinitzii | dyer's polypore | fungi | Fomitopsidaceae | unlisted | R. Lampitoc (2013); K. Toomer (2017); A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Phlebia radiata | winkled crust | fungi | Meruliaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Pleurotus ostreatus | oyster mushroom | fungi | Pleurotaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum | toothed jelly fungus | fungi | incertae sedis | unlisted | K. Toomer (2016) |
Russula rosacea | bloody brittlegill | fungi | Russulaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Russula sororia | sepia brittlegill | fungi | Russulaceae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Russula xerampelina | shrimp mushroom | fungi | Russulaceae | unlisted | G. Barber (2016) |
Stereum hirsutum | false turkey tail | fungi | Stereaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Stropharia ambigua | questionable stropharia | fungi | Strophariaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Trametes ochracea | ochre turkey-tail | fungi | Polyporaceae | unlisted | S. Tweedale & A. Simon (2017) |
Trametes versicolor | turkey tail | fungi | Polyporaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Tremella foliacea | jelly leaf | fungi | Tremellaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Xylaria hypoxylon | candlesnuff fungus | fungi | Xylariaceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2017) |
Aira caryophyllea | silver hairgrass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Anthoxanthum aristatum | small sweet vernal grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | sweet vernal grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Bromus carinatus | California brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Bromus hordeaceus | common soft-brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Bromus sitchensis | sitka brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Bromus sterilis | barren brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Bromus tectorum | drooping brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Bromus vulgaris | Columbia brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Carex leptodpoda | short-scaled sedge | grasses, sedges & rushes | Cyperaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Carex obnupta | slough sedge | grasses, sedges & rushes | Cyperaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Cynosurus echinatus | bristly dogtail grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Dactylis glomerata | orchard grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Danthonia californica | California oat grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Festuca occidentalis | western fescue | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Festuca roemeri | Roemer's fescue | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016) |
Lolium perenne | perennial ryegrass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Luzula subsessilis | many-flowered woodrush | grasses, sedges & rushes | Juncaceae | S5 (2000) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Melica subulata | Alaska oniongrass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2018) |
Phalaris arundinacea | reed canary grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Poa bulbosa | bulbous meadow-grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Poa pratensis | smooth meadow-grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Trisetum cernuum | nodding trisetum | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Vulpia microstachys var. pauciflora | small six-weeks grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | S4 (2014) | A. Simon (2017) |
Gryllus pennsylvanicus | fall field cricket | grasshoppers & crickets | Gryllidae | S5 (2012) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Melanoplus sanguinipes | migratory grasshopper | grasshoppers & crickets | Acrididae | S5 (2012) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Achillea millefolium var. borealis | northern yarrow | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | L. Magner (2016); A. Simon (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Achlys triphylla | vanilla leaf | herbs | Berberidaceae | S5 | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2017); L. Magner (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Acmispon parviflorus | short-flower deervetch | herbs | Fabaceae | S3S4 (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Adenocaulon bicolor | pathfinder | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Agoseris grandiflora | bigflower agoseris | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Allium acuminatum | Hooker's onion | herbs | Amaryllidaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Anisocarpus madioides | woodland madia | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Anthriscus caucalis | bur chervil | herbs | Apiaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Aphanes arvensis | field parsley piert | herbs | Rosaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Arabis eschscholtziana | Eschscholtz's hairy rockcress | herbs | Brassicaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Bellis perennis | English daisy | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Brodiaea coronaria | crown brodiaea | herbs | Themidaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Calandrinia menziesii | redmaids | herbs | Montiaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis | Western Fairy-slipper | herbs | Orchidaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii | Leichtlin's camassia | herbs | Asparagaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Camassia quamash | small camas | herbs | Asparagaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2017) |
Campanula scouleri | Scouler's harebell | herbs | Campanulaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Cardamine flexuosa | wood bittercress | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | F. Lomer (2003); A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Cardamine hirsuta | hairy bittercress | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2017); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Cardamine nuttallii | Nuttall's toothwort | herbs | Brassicaceae | S5 (2015) | R. Biggs, B. Stephens, M. Nemeth, B. Schwartz & John Pinder-Moss |
Cardamine oligosperma | little western bittercress | herbs | Brassicaceae | S5 (2015) | F. Lomer (2003); A. Simon (2016) |
Cerastium arvense | field chickweed | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | F. Erhard (2013); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Cerastium glomeratum | sticky mouse-ear chickweed | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Circaea alpina | Alpine Enchanter's-nightshade | herbs | Onagraceae | S4 (2011) | A. Simon (2016) |
Cirsium brevistylum | short-styled thistle | herbs | Asteraceae | S5? (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Cirsium vulgare | bull thistle | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Clarkia amoena var. lindleyi | farewell-to-spring | herbs | Onagraceae | S3S4 N3 Vulnerable in Canada | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Claytonia perfoliata | miner's lettuce | herbs | Montiaceae | S4 (2001) | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Claytonia sibirica | pink purslane | herbs | Montiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Clinopodium douglasii | yerba buena | herbs | Lamiaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Collinsia grandiflora | giant blue-eye Mary | herbs | Plantaginaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Collinsia parviflora | maiden blue eyed Mary | herbs | Plantaginaceae | S5 (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Buckley (2017); S. Tweedale (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Collomia heterophylla | variableleaf collomia | herbs | Polemoniaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis | Western spotted coralroot | herbs | Orchidaceae | SU | A. Simon (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Corallorhiza maculata var. ozettensis | Ozette coralroot | herbs | Orchidaceae | S2 (2017) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Corallorhiza striata | striped coralroot | herbs | Orchidaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Daucus pusillus | American wild carrot | herbs | Apiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Delphinium menziesii | Puget Sound larkspur | herbs | Ranunculaceae | S4 | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2016) |
Digitalis purpurea | foxglove | herbs | Plantaginaceae | exotic | K. Toomer (2018) |
Draba verna | spring draba | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018) |
Epilobium brachycarpum | tall annual willowherb | herbs | Onagraceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & K. Toomer (2018) |
Epilobium foliosum | California willowherb | herbs | Onagraceae | S4S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Epilobium minutum | little willowherb | herbs | Onagraceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Epipactis helleborine | broad-leaved helleborine | herbs | Orchidaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Eriophyllum lanatum | common woolly sunflower | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Erodium cicutarium | redstem filaree | herbs | Geraniaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Erythranthe alsinoides | wingstem monkeyflower | herbs | Phrymaceae | S4? (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Erythranthe microphylla | small-leaf monkeyflower | herbs | Phrymaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Erythranthe nasuta | seep monkeyflower | herbs | Phrymaceae | S4S5 (2015) | B. Benedict (1993) |
Erythronium oregonum | giant white fawn lily | herbs | Liliaceae | S4? (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Fritillaria affinis | chocolate lilly | herbs | Liliaceae | S5 (2000) | K. Toomer (2018) |
Galium aparine | cleavers | herbs | Rubiaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Galium triflorum | sweet-scented bedstraw | herbs | Rubiaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Geranium molle | dove's-foot crane's-bill | herbs | Geraniaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Geranium robertianum | Herb Robert | herbs | Geraniaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Geum macrophyllum | largeleaf avens | herbs | Rosaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2018) |
Goodyera oblongifolia | Western rattlesnake plantain | herbs | Orchidaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2017) |
Grindelia stricta | Oregon gumplant | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia | crevice alumroot | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016) |
Hieracium albiflorum | white hawkweed | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Hypochaeris glabra | smooth cat's ear | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Hypochaeris radicata | hairy cat’s ear | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Lepidium campestre | field peppergrass | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Linaria purpurea | purple toadflax | herbs | Plantaginaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018) |
Linnaea borealis | twinflower | herbs | Caprifoliaceae | S3S4 (2001) | A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Lithophragma parviflorum | smallflower woodland star | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Lomatium utriculatum | spring-gold | herbs | Apiaceae | S4 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Lupinus bicolor | miniature lupine | herbs | Fabaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Lupinus polycarpus | small-flowered lupine | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 (2001) | A. Simon (2018) |
Lysichiton americanus | skunk cabbage | herbs | Araceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Lysimachia latifolia | broad-leaved starflower | herbs | Myrsinaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Madia gracilis | grassy tarweed | herbs | Asteraceae | S3S4 (N2N4 Imperiled in Canada) | A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Micranthes integrifolia | grassland saxifrage | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S4 (2001) | A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Moehringia macrophylla | largeleaf sandwort | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016) |
Monotropa uniflora | ghost pipe | herbs | Ericaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Montia parvifolia | small-leaved montia | herbs | Montiaceae | S4 (2001) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Mycelis muralis | wall lettuce | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018) |
Myosotis discolor | changing forget-me-not | herbs | Boraginaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Nemophila parviflora | small-flowered nemophila | herbs | Boraginaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2016) |
Nemophila pedunculata | meadow nemophila | herbs | Boraginaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Neottia cordata | heartleaf twayblade | herbs | Orchidaceae | S4S5 (2015) | K. Toomer (2018) |
Opuntia fragilis | brittle prickly-pear | herbs | Cactaceae | S4S5 (2015) | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2018) |
Osmorhiza berteroi | mountain sweet cicely | herbs | Apiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Piperia transversa | royal rein orchid | herbs | Orchidaceae | S3S4 (2001) | A. Simon (2016) |
Plantago lanceolata | English plantain | herbs | Plantaginaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Plectritis congesta | shortspur seablush | herbs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Prunella vulgaris | self-heal | herbs | Lamiaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Pyrola aphylla | leafless wintergreen | herbs | Ericaceae | S2S3 (2015) | K. Toomer (2018); A. Simon (2018) |
Pyrola picta | white-veined wintergreen | herbs | Ericaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Ranunculus occidentalis | Western buttercup | herbs | Ranunculaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Ranunculus repens | creeping buttercup | herbs | Ranunculaceae | exotic | K. Toomer (2018) |
Ranunculus uncinatus | woodland buttercup | herbs | Ranunculaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Rumex acetosella | sheep's sorrel | herbs | Polygonaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Sagina apetala | common pearlwort | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | F. Lomer (2003) |
Sanicula crassicaulis | Pacific sanicle | herbs | Apiaceae | S4 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Sedum lanceolatum ssp. nesioticum | lanceleaf stonecrop | herbs | Crassulaceae | S3S4 (2001) | A. Simon (2018) |
Sedum spathulifolium | broadleaf stonecrop | herbs | Crassulaceae | S5 | F. Erhard (2013); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Silene coronaria | rose campion | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | A. Huggins (2016); A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Sisymbrium officinale | common hedge-mustard | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Sonchus asper | spiny sow thistle | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Sonchus oleraceus | common sowthistle | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Spergularia rubra | red sand spurrey | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Stachys cooleyae | Cooley’s hedge-nettle | herbs | Lamiaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Stellaria media | common chickweed | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Tellima grandiflora | fringe cups | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Thlaspi arvense | field penny-cress | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Tiarella trifoliata | threeleaf foamflower | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2018) |
Torilis japonica | upright hedge-parsley | herbs | Apiaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Toxicoscordion venenosum | meadow death-camas | herbs | Melanthiaceae | S5 (2000) | S. Tweedale (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Tragopogon sp. | salsify | herbs | Asteraceae | — | F. Erhard (2013) |
Trifolium dubium | lesser hop trefoil | herbs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018) |
Trifolium microcephalum | small-headed clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Trifolium microdon | thimble clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Trifolium oliganthum | few-flowered clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017); K. Toomer (2018) |
Trifolium variegatum | white-tipped clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Trifolium willdenovii | tomcat clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Triphysaria pusilla | dwarf orthocarpus | herbs | Orobanchaceae | S4 | S. Tweedale (2017); A. Simon (2017) |
Triteleia hyacinthina | white brodiaea | herbs | Asparagaceae | S4 | S. Tweedale (2016); A. Simon (2018) |
Turritis glabra | tower mustard | herbs | Brassicaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Uropappus lindleyi | Lindley’s silverpuffs | herbs | Asteraceae | 1-E (SARA 2010) | F. Lomer (2003); A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Urtica dioica | stinging nettle | herbs | Urticaceae | SNA (2000) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Veronica americana | American brooklime | herbs | Plantaginaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2018) |
Veronica arvensis | corn speedwell | herbs | Plantaginaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Veronica serpyllifolia | thyme-leaved speedwell | herbs | Plantaginaceae | native | A. Simon (2018) |
Vicia sativa | common vetch | herbs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018) |
Viola sempervirens | redwood violet | herbs | Violaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Colwell (2016); A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Oniscus asellus | common shiny woodlouse | isopods | Oniscidae | exotic | K. Toomer (2018) |
Porcellio scaber | common rough woodlouse | isopods | Porcellionidae | exotic | K. Toomer (2018) |
Amandinea punctata | tiny button lichen | lichens | Caliciaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Bryoria friabilis | friable horsehair | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S3S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Buellia penichra | tiny button lichen | lichens | Caliciaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Calicium viride | green stubble lichen | lichens | Caliciaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Caloplaca chrysodeta | mustard crust | lichens | Teloschistaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Caloplaca stellata | stellate jewel lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Chrysothrix granulosa | gold dust lichen | lichens | Chrysothricaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Cladonia coniocraea | common powderhorn | lichens | Cladoniaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Cladonia squamosa | dragon horn | lichens | Cladoniaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Cladonia umbricola | shaded cladonia | lichens | Cladoniaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Cliostomum griffithii | multi-coloured dot lichen | lichens | Ramalinaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Collema furfuraceum | effervescent tarpaper lichen | lichens | Collemataceae | S3S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Collema nigrescens | blistered jelly lichen | lichens | Collemataceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Dermatocarpon leptophyllodes | jigsaw stippleback | lichens | Verrucariaceae | S4 (2018) | A. Simon (2018) |
Dermatocarpon miniatum | leather lichen | lichens | Verrucariaceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Dermatocarpon reticulatum | leather lichen | lichens | Verrucariaceae | S4S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Diploschistes scruposus | crater lichen | lichens | Thelotremataceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Evernia prunastri | antlered oakmoss | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Flavopunctelia soredica | speckled mantle | lichens | Parmeliaceae | SNR | R. Batten (2018); A. Simon (2018) |
Hypogymnia enteromorpha | inflating bone | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Hypogymnia imshaugii | forking bone | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Hypogymnia physodes | grey monk’s hood | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2017) |
Lecanora confusa | rim lichen | lichens | Lecanoraceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Lecanora muralis | stonewall rim lichen | lichens | Lecanoraceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Lecanora pacifica | Pacific rim lichen | lichens | Lecanoraceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Lecidea mannii | crust lichen | lichens | Lecideaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Lecidella stigmatea | rock disk lichen | lichens | Lecanoraceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Lepraria cf nivalis | snowy dust lichen | lichens | Stereocaulaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Leptogium lichenoides | tattered jellyskin | lichens | Collemataceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Leptogium palmatum | antlered jellyskin | lichens | Collemataceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Lobaria pulmonaria | tree lungwort | lichens | Lobariaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Lobaria scrobiculata | textured lung lichen | lichens | Lobariaceae | S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2017) |
Hypocenomyce scalaris | charcoal clamshell | lichens | Verrucariaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2018) |
Ochrolechia farinacea | farinose saucer lichen | lichens | Ochrolechiaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Ochrolechia laevigata | smooth saucer lichen | lichens | Ochrolechiaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Ochrolechia oregonensis | double-rimmed saucer lichen | lichens | Ochrolechiaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Ochrolechia subpallescens | saucer lichen | lichens | Ochrolechiaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Ochrolechia upsaliensis | tundra saucer lichen | lichens | Ochrolechiaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Opegrapha varia | scribble lichen | lichens | Roccellaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Parmelia saxatilis | salted shield lichen | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Parmelia squarrosa | bottlebrush shield lichen | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S3S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Parmelia sulcata | shield lichen | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Parmotrema arnoldii | king ruffle | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Peltigera collina | tree pelt lichen | lichens | Peltigeraceae | S4S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Peltigera membranacea | diamond pelt | lichens | Peltigeraceae | S5 (2010) | R. Lampitoc (2016) |
Peltigera rufescens | black-bellied pelt | lichens | Peltigeraceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Pertusaria subambigens | frosted wart lichen | lichens | Pertusariaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Phlyctis argena | whitewash lichen | lichens | Phlyctidaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Physcia adscendens | hooded rosette lichen | lichens | Physciaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Physconia enteroxantha | gilded frost | lichens | Physciaceae | S4S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Platismatia glauca | ragbag | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Platismatia herrei | tattered rags | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Lobaria anomala | netted specklebelly | lichens | Peltigeraceae | S3S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Punctelia jeckeri | galactic speckleback | lichens | Parmeliaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Ramalina dilacerata | punctured ribbon | lichens | Ramalinaceae | S5 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Ramalina farinacea | farinose cartilage lichen | lichens | Ramalinaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Ramboldia gowardiana | red button lichen | lichens | Ramboldiaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Rhizocarpon bolanderi | map lichen | lichens | Rhizocarpaceae | unlisted | W. Noble (1974) |
Sphaerophorus tuckermanii | fragmenting coral | lichens | Sphaerophoraceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Sticta fuliginosa | peppered moon | lichens | Lobariaceae | S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974); A. Simon (2016) |
Sticta limbata | powdered moon | lichens | Lobariaceae | S3S4 (2010) | W. Noble (1974) |
Trapeliopsis granulosa | granular mottled-disk lichen | lichens | Trapeliaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla | powdered wrinkle lichen | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Usnea cavernosa | pitted beard | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S3S4 (2018) | A. Simon (2017) |
Usnea dasypoga | fishbone beard | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Usnea hirta | bristly beard | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Usnea intermedia | exploding beard | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S3S4 (2018) | A. Simon (2016) |
Usnea subfloridana | boreal beard | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Xanthoparmelia sp. | nameless rock shield | lichens | Parmeliaceae | SU (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Xanthoria parietina | maritime sunburst lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | exotic | W. Noble (1974) |
Xanthoria polycarpa | pin-cushion sunburst lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Myotis cf lucifugus | little brown bat | mammals | Vespertilionidae | S4 (2015); Endangered (SARA) | J. Malo (2016) |
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus | Columbian black-tailed deer | mammals | Cervidae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | red squirrel | mammals | Sciuridae | S5 (2015) | K. Toomer (2017) |
Harpaphe haydeniana | yellow-spotted millipede | millipedes | Xystodesmidae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Ariolimax columbianus | Pacific banana slug | mollusks | Arionidae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Monadenia fidelis | Pacific sideband | mollusks | Bradybaenidae | S4 (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Oxychilus sp. | glass snail | mollusks | Oxychilidae | — | K. Toomer (2018) |
Amphidium californicum | California yoke moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Orthotrichaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2017) |
Antitrichia californica | California antitrichia moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Leucodontaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); O. Lee (2018) |
Brachythecium albicans | whitish feather-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 (2015) | S. Tweedale & A. Simon (2017) |
Brachythecium velutinum | velvet feather-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 (2011) | S. Joya, O. Lee & A. Simon (2018) |
Bryum argenteum | silvery bryum | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Bryaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Buckiella undulata | wavy silk moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hypnaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Ceratodon purpureus | firemoss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Ditrichaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Dicranoweisia cirrata | common pincushion | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Dicranaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); O. Lee (2018) |
Dicranum fuscescens | dusky fork-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Dicranaceae | S5 (2015) *listed subtaxa in BC | A. Simon (2016) |
Dicranum howellii | Howell’s broom-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Dicranaceae | S4S5 (2011) | A. Simon (2016) |
Dicranum scoparium | broom moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Dicranaceae | S5 (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Didymodon cf fallax | false beard moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | — | A. Simon (2017) |
Didymodon vinealis | soft-tufted beard-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Fissidens crispus | lesser pocket moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Fissidentaceae | S4S5 (2011) | S. Joya, O. Lee & A. Simon (2018) |
Grimmia pulvinata | grey-cushioned grimmia | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Grimmiaceae | S4S5 (2015) | O. Lee (2018) |
Hedwigia stellata | starry hoar-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hedwigiaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Homalothecium aureum | golden curl-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Homalothecium fulgescens | yellow curl-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 | A. Simon (2016); O. Lee (2018) |
Homalothecium megaptilum | great-feathered moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Homalothecium nuttallii | Nuttall’s homalothecium | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Hylocomium splendens | stairstep moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Hypnum circinale | coiled-leaf claw-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hypnaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Isothecium cristatum | isothecium moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4? (2011) | O. Lee (2018) |
Isothecium stoloniferum | isothecium moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Kindbergia oregana | Oregon beaked moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Leucolepis acanthoneuron | Menzies' tree moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Mniaceae | S5? (2015) | A. Simon (2018) |
Metaneckera menziesii | Menzies' metaneckera | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Neckeraceae | S4S5 (2015) | S. Joya, O. Lee & A. Simon (2018) |
Niphotrichum elongatum | long fringe-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Grimmiaceae | S4S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Orthotrichum rupestre | rock bristle-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Orthotrichaceae | S4 (2015) | O. Lee (2018) |
Plagiomnium insigne | badge moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Mniaceae | S4S5 (2015) | O. Lee (2018) |
Plagiomnium venustum | magnificent moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Mniaceae | S4S5 (2015) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Pleuridium acuminatum | taper-leaved earth moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Ditrichaceae | SU (2015) | S. Joya, O. Lee & A. Simon (2018) |
Pleurozium schreberi | red-stemmed feather moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Polytrichum juniperinum | juniper polytrichum moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Polytrichaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Polytrichum piliferum | bristly haircap moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Polytrichaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Ptychostomum pseudotriquetrum | long-leaved thread moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Bryaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Rhytidiadelphus loreus | lanky moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | electrified cat’s-tail moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Rosulabryum canariense | robust threadmoss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Bryaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Rosulabryum capillare | capillary threadmoss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Bryaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Scleropodium cespitans | tufted feather-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017); S. Joya (2018) |
Scleropodium touretii | glasswort feather-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Brachytheciaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Syntrichia laevipila | twisted oak moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | 1-SC (SARA) | A. Simon (2016) |
Syntrichia princeps | brown screw-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Syntrichia ruralis | star moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Timmiella crassinervis | timmiella moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Triquetrella californica | coastal triquetrella | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | G1 Critically Imperiled | O. Lee (2017); A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Weissia controversa | green-tufted stubble moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Pottiaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Zygodon viridissimus | green toke-moss | mosses, hornworts & liverworts | Orthotrichaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Fuligo septica | dog vomit slime mold | myxomycetes | Physaraceae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Elgaria coerulea | northern alligator lizard | reptiles | Anguidae | S4 (2012) | A. Simon (2018) |
Thamnophis ordinoides | northwestern garter snake | reptiles | Colubridae | S4 (2012) | A. Huggins (2016); A. Simon (2016) |
Berberis aquifolium | Oregon-grape | shrubs | Berberidaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Berberis nervosa | dull Oregon-grap | shrubs | Berberidaceae | S5 (2000) | A. Simon (2018) |
Crataegus monogyna | hawthorn | shrubs | Rosaceae | exotic | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Cytisus scoparius | Scotch broom | shrubs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Daphne laureola | spurge laurel | shrubs | Thymelaeaceae | exotic | R. Greenwood (2016); A. Simon (2018) |
Gaultheria shallon | salal | shrubs | Ericaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Hedera helix | common ivy | shrubs | Araliaceae | exotic | K. Toomer (2018) |
Holodiscus discolor | oceanspray | shrubs | Rosaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Ilex aquifolium | European holly | shrubs | Aquifoliaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Lonicera ciliosa | orange honeysuckle | shrubs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Lonicera hispidula | pink honeysuckle | shrubs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Paxistima myrsinites | boxwood | shrubs | Celastraceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Rhamnus purshiana | cascara | shrubs | Rhamnaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Rosa gymnocarpa | baldhip rose | shrubs | Rosaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Rubus spectabilis | salmonberry | shrubs | Rosaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Rubus ursinus | trailing blackberry | shrubs | Rosaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Symphoricarpos mollis | creeping snowberry | shrubs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Vaccinium ovatum | evergreen huckleberry | shrubs | Ericaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Vaccinium parvifolium | red huckleberry | shrubs | Ericaceae | S5 (2015) | L. Magner (2016) |
Entomobrya triangularis | slender springtail | springtails | Entomobryoidea | unlisted | S. & S Gilmore (2018) |
Zootermopsis angusticollis | Pacific dampwood termite | termites | Termopsidae | unlisted | K. Toomer (2018) |
Abies grandis | grand fir | trees | Pinaceae | S5 (2015) | A Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Acer macrophyllum | bigleaf maple | trees | Sapindaceae | S5 | A. Trifonidis (2016); A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Alnus rubra | red alder | trees | Betulaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Trifonidis (2016); A. Simon (2018) |
Arbutus menziesii | arbutus | trees | Ericaceae | S4 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Prunus emarginata | bitter cherry | trees | Rosaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018) |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | coast Douglas-fir | trees | Pinaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Quercus garryana | Garry oak | trees | Fagaceae | S5 | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016); K. Toomer (2018) |
Taxus brevifolia | Pacific yew | trees | Taxaceae | S5 (2000); G4G5 (2016) | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Thuja plicata | western redcedar | trees | Cupressaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2016) |
Tsuga heterophylla | western hemlock | trees | Pinaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon & Q. Hohendorf (2018); K. Toomer (2018) |
Chlorochroa ligata | conchuela bug | true bugs | Pentatomidae | unlisted | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Deraeocoris sp. | plant bug | true bugs | Miridae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Elasmostethus cruciatus | red-cross shield bug | true bugs | Acanthosomatidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Empoasca sp. | leafhopper | true bugs | Cicadellidae | — | S. Gilmore (2017) |
Gastrodes pacificus | dirt-colored seed beetle | true bugs | Rhyparochromidae | unlisted | S. & S. Gilmore & A. Simon (2018) |
Lygaeus kalmii | small milkweed bug | true bugs | Lygaeidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Synecdoche nemoralis | plant hopper | true bugs | Achilidae | unlisted | S. Gilmore (2017) |