Bioblitz Galiano 2017 Results
Through the month of May 2017 Galiano Islanders joined regional experts on a mission to document the island biodiversity. Surveys were conducted island-wide, covering a vibrant spectrum of marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems of critical conservation concern within Canada. These efforts culminated with a Bioblitz held on May 27, involving 21 experts and 39 community members.
Scroll down for a list of our findings!
Over the course of the month we documented over 800 species—from the heights of the forest canopy to the depths of the Salish Sea.
Participating experts included: naturalists Libby and Rick Avis; Henry Choong, curator of invertebrate zoology at the RBCM; botanist Quentin Cronk, UBC; Joel Gibson, curator of entomology at the RBCM; entomologist Scott Gilmore; local ornithologist Michael Hoebel; environmental scientist Tyler Innes; naturalists Harvey and Pam Janszen; bryologists Steve Joya and Olivia Lee from the Beaty Biodiversity Museum; biologists Kristen and James Miskelly; entomologist Diana Percy, UBC; local marine photographer Karolle Wall; and botanist Alexander J. Wright. Additional taxonomic expertise was provided remotely by arachnologist Robb Bennett, botanist Curtis Björk, lichenologist Trevor Goward, and marine naturalist Andy Lamb.
Our thanks go out to the many individuals who supported this event, including our sponsors: Crystal Mountain Society, the Galiano Conservancy Association, the Galiano Naturalists, and Gulf Island Kayaking.
Bioblitz Summary
Records Confirmed
New for Galiano
Total Species
Preliminary List last updated January 23, 2018
Scientific Name | Common name | Group/Habit | Provenance | Status |
Aequorea forskalea | crystal jelly | Cnidaria | — | — |
Aequorea victoria | crystal jelly | Cnidaria | — | — |
Agathidium maculosum | round fungus beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Agriotes lineatus | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Agriotes sparsus | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Agulla sp. | snakefly | Flies | — | — |
Alia carinata | carinate dovesnail | Mollusks | — | — |
Andrena sp. | mining bee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | — | — |
Apodichthys flavidus | penpoint gunnel | Fish | — | — |
Arcyria incarnata | slime mold | Slime molds | — | — |
Armadillidium vulgare | common pill-bug | Isopods | — | — |
Artedius fenestralis | padded sculpin | Fish | — | — |
Athous imitans | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Atriplex sp. | — | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Aurelia aurita | moon jellyfish | Cnidaria | — | — |
Baccha elongata | hover fly | Flies | — | — |
Badhamia foliicola | slime mold | Slime molds | — | — |
Barbarea sp. | — | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Bibio sp. | Saint Mark's fly | Flies | — | — |
Bombus vosnesenskii | yellow-faced bumblebee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | — | — |
Brachypterus sp. | flower beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Callidium sp. | longhorn beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Calliergonella cuspidata | — | Bryophytes | — | — |
Calliostoma ligatum | blue-ringed top snail | Mollusks | — | — |
Caloptilia sp. | leaf blotch miner moth | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Cardiophorus sp. | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Ceratina sp. | small carpenter bee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | — | — |
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa | — | Slime Molds | — | — |
Chamaemyia sp. | aphid fly | Flies | — | — |
Chiton sp. | neoloricate chiton | Mollusks | — | — |
Claytonia rubra | redstem springbeaty | Vascular Plants | native | — |
Clypastraea sp. | minute hooded beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Cortaderia sp. | pampas grass | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Crepis sp. | hawksbeard | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Curculio sp. | acorn weevil | Beetles | — | — |
Dasysyrphus sp. | hover fly | Flies | — | — |
Deraecoris sp. | plant bug | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | — | — |
Dichelotarsus sp. | soldier beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Didymodon sp. | — | Bryophytes | — | — |
Ectopsocus sp. | bark louse | Bark Lice | — | — |
Eleocharis sp. | spike-rush | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Ellychnia sp. | diurnal firefly | Beetles | — | — |
Empoasca sp. | leaf hopper | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | — | — |
Enallagma sp. | bluets (damselflies) | Dragonflies & Damselflies | — | — |
Eupithecia sp. | pug moth | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Hadromorphus sp. | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Helops sp. | darkling beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Hilara sp. | dance fly | Flies | — | — |
Homo sapiens | human | Mammals | — | — |
Hydriomena sp. | carpet moth | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Hydrophoria sp. | root maggot fly | Flies | — | — |
Hylastes sp. | crenulate bark beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Larus glaucescens × occidentalis | Olympic Gull | Birds | — | — |
Lasioglossum sp. | sweat bee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | — | — |
Leathesia marina | sea cauliflower | Algae & Kelp | — | — |
Lepraria cf nivalis | — | Lichens | — | — |
Limonius californicus | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Listrus sp. | soft-winged flower beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Megaselia sp. | coffin fly | Flies | — | — |
Metatrichia floriformis | slime mold | Slime molds | — | — |
Metridium sp. | sea anemone | Cnidaria | — | — |
Oncorhynchus sp. | salmon | Fish | — | — |
Orfelia sp. | fungus gnat | Flies | — | — |
Osmia sp. | mason bees | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | — | — |
Pellia sp. | — | Bryophytes | — | — |
Phyllonorycter sp. | — | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Physarum viride | slime mold | Slime Molds | — | — |
Piperia spp. | rein orchid | Vascular Plants | native | — |
Pityohyphantes sp. | — | Arachnids | — | — |
Platycheirus sp. | hover fly | Flies | — | — |
Polygonia satyrus | commas | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Porphyra sp. | nori | Algae & Kelp | — | — |
Pseudanostirus sp | click beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Ptinus sp. | death-watch beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Racomitrium sp. | — | Bryophytes | — | — |
Rhagio sp. | snipe fly | Flies | — | — |
Rhamphomyia sp. | dance fly | Flies | — | — |
Rhyncolus sp. | weevil | Beetles | — | — |
Rymosia sp. | mosquito | Flies | — | — |
Silis sp. | soldier beetle | Beetles | — | — |
Simulium sp. | black fly | Flies | — | — |
Sisymbrium sp. | — | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Sparganium sp. | bur reed | Vascular Plants | — | — |
Stemonitis fusca | — | Slime Molds | — | — |
Tetragnatha sp. | long-jawed orbweaver | Arachnids | — | — |
Thamnophis sirtalis | common garter snake | Reptiles | — | — |
Tipula sp. | crane fly | Flies | — | — |
Tortella sp. | — | Bryophytes | — | — |
Trombidiformes | trombidiform mite | Arachnids | — | — |
Usnea sp. | beard lichens | Lichens | — | — |
Venusia sp. | carpet moth | Butterflies & Moths | — | — |
Xanthoparmelia sp. | questionable rock frog | Lichens | — | — |
Amphichroum maculatum | rove beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Caloplaca chrysodeta | — | Lichens | ? | ? |
Cameraria gaultheriella | leaf blotch miner moth | Butterflies & Moths | ? | ? |
Cardellina pusilla | Wilson's Warbler | Birds | ? | ? |
Chlorochroa rossiana | stink bug | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | ? | ? |
Cylindrocopturus furnissi | Douglas-fir twig weevil | Beetles | ? | ? |
Dendroica coronata | yellow-rumped warbler | Birds | native | ? |
Dicerca tenebrosa | dark jewel beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Diplolepis polita | spiny leaf gall wasp | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | ? | ? |
Dyslobus granicollis | broad-nosed weevil | Beetles | ? | ? |
Eronyxa pallida | bark-gnawing beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Erythranthe microphylla | small-leaf monkeyflower | Vascular Plants | ? | ? |
Erythranthe nasuta | seep monkeyflower | Vascular Plants | ? | ? |
Geothlypis tolmiei | MacGillivray’s warbler | Birds | ? | ? |
Graphopsocus cruciatus | narrow bark louse | Bark Lice | ? | ? |
Gyrinus bifarius | whirligig beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Homalothecium aureum | — | Bryophytes | ? | ? |
Hypena humuli | hop vine moth | Butterflies & Moths | native | ? |
Idolus columbianus | click beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Kleidocerys resedae | seed bug | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | ? | ? |
Membranipora membranacea | kelp lace bryozoan | Bryozoans | ? | ? |
Otiorhynchus singularis | clay-coloured weevil | Beetles | ? | ? |
Picoides villosus | hairy woodpecker | Birds | native | ? |
Plectrura spinicauda | flat-faced longhorn beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Podabrus cavicollis | soldier beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Prosternon bombycinum | click beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Prothalpia holmbergi | false darkling beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Psyllobora vigintimaculata | twenty-spotted lady beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Pterostichus algidus | woodland ground beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Ricciocarpus natans | purple-fringed Riccia | Bryophytes | ? | ? |
Rosulabryum canariense | — | Bryophytes | ? | ? |
Scaeva pyrastri | Holarctic pied hoverfly | Flies | ? | ? |
Scaphinotus angusticollis | snail-eating beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Scleropodium obtusifolium | — | Bryophytes | ? | ? |
Scymnus nebulosus | dusky lady beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Selatosomus suckleyi | click beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Silis lutea | soldier beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Strophosoma melanogrammum | broad-nosed weevil | Beetles | ? | ? |
Synecdoche nemoralis | achilid planthopper | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | ? | ? |
Syneta albida | leaf beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Tetracis cervinaria | slant-line moth | Butterflies & Moths | ? | ? |
Zacotus matthewsii | ground beetle | Beetles | ? | ? |
Luzula parviflora | small-flowered woodrush | Graminoids | ... | ... |
Triquetrella californica | coastal Triquetrella | Bryophytes | native | G1 Critically Imperiled |
Erynnis propertius | propertius duskywing | Butterflies & Moths | native | N2 Imperiled in Canada S2 |
Yabea microcarpa | California hedge parsley | Vascular Plants | native | N3 Vulnerable in Canada |
Allium amplectens | narrowleaf onion | Vascular Plants | native | N3 Vulnerable in Canada S3 |
Thysanocarpus curvipes | sand fringepod | Vascular Plants | native | N3 Vulnerable in Canada S3 |
Carex inops ssp. inops | long-rhizomed sedge | Graminoids | native | N3N4 Vulnerable in Canada |
Rana aurora | Northern red-legged frog | Amphibians | native | N3N4 Vulnerable in Canada |
Monadenia fidelis | Pacific sideband | Mollusks | native | N3N4 Vulnerable in Canada S3S4 |
Festuca rubra | red fescue | Graminoids | native | Not Listed |
Riccia fluitans | floating crystalwort | Aquatic Plants | ? | Not Listed |
Contopus cooperi | olive-sided flycatcher | Birds | native | NT Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) |
Wolffia columbiana | Columbian watermeal | Aquatic Plants | native | S1 Critically Imperiled in BC (Red-listed) |
Xanthomendoza oregana | Oregon sunburst lichen | Lichens | native | S1S2 |
Ardea herodias | great blue heron | Birds | native | S3B *listed subtaxa in BC |
Eumetopias jubatus | Steller sea lion | Mammals | native | S3B, S4N |
Athysanus pusillus | common sandweed | Vascular Plants | native | S3S4 |
Dichelyma falcatum | sickle dichelyma | Bryophytes | native | S3S4 |
Ludwigia palustris | water purslane | Aquatic Plants | native | S3S4 |
Trifolium microdon | thimble clover | Vascular Plants | native | S3S4 |
Homalothecium arenarium | sandwort Homalothecium | Bryophytes | native | S3S4 |
Pseudobraunia californica | California pseudobraunia moss | Bryophytes | native | S3S4 |
Madia gracilis | elegant tarweed | Vascular Plants | native | S3S4 (N2N4 Imperiled in Canada) |
Clarkia amoena var. lindleyi | farewell-to-spring | Vascular Plants | native | S3S4 N3 Vulnerable in Canada |
Clarkia amoena var. caurina | farewell-to-spring | Vascular Plants | native | S3S4 N3N4 |
Nogopterium gracile | bird’s-foot wing-moss | Bryophytes | native | S2 (Red-listed) |
Hirundo rustica | barn swallow | Birds | native | S3S4B |
Phalacrocorax auritus | double-crested cormorant | Birds | native | S3S4B |
Patagioenas fasciata | band-tailed pigeon | Birds | native | S3S4B |
Achnatherum lemmonii var. lemmonii | Lemmon’s needlegrass | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Adiantum aleuticum | Western maidenhair fern | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Amphidium californicum | California yoke moss | Bryophytes | native | S4 |
Arctostaphylos columbiana | Columbia manzanita | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Callophrys gryneus ssp. plicataria | cedar hairstreak | Butterflies & Moths | native | S4 |
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii | great camas | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Camassia quamash | small camas | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Cathartes aura | turkey vulture | Birds | native | S4 |
Circaea alpina ssp. pacifica | enchanter’s nightshade | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Claytonia perfoliata | miner's lettuce | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Collinsia grandiflora | giant blue-eyed Mary | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Delphinium menziesii | Menzies’ larkspur | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Dendragapus fuliginosus | sooty grouse | Birds | native | S4 |
Elgaria coerulea | northern alligator lizard | Reptiles | native | S4 |
Erythranthe alsinoides | wingstem monkeyflower | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Festuca roemeri | Roemer's fescue | Graminoids | native | S4 |
Gamochaeta ustulata | purple cudweed | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Haematopus bachmani | black oystercatcher | Birds | native | S4 |
Heuchera micrantha | crevice alumroot | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Isothecium cristatum | isothecium moss | Bryophytes | native | S4 |
Juncus arcticus | Arctic rush | Graminoids | native | S4 |
Juncus ensifolius var. ensifolius | dagger rush | Graminoids | native | S4 |
Larus glaucescens | glaucous-winged gull | Birds | native | S4 |
Lathyrus japonicus | seaside pea | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Leptosiphon minimus | bicolored desert-gold | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Lomatium utriculatum | foothill desert-parsley | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Lupinus polycarpus | small-flowered lupine | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Luzula comosa ssp. laxa | Pacific woodrush | Graminoids | native | S4 |
Moehringia macrophylla | largeleaf sandwort | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Montia parvifolia | small-leaved blinks | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Orobanche uniflora | one-flowered cancer-root | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Physcia caesia | blue-gray rosette lichen | Lichens | native | S4 |
Sagina decumbens ssp. occidentalis | Western pearlwort | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Sanicula crassicaulis var. crassicaulis | Pacific sanicle | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Sanicula crassicaulis var. tripartita | Pacific black-snakeroot | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Sphaerophorus venerabilis | ancient coral lichen | Lichens | native | S4 |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Hooded Ladies' Tresses | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Thamnophis ordinoides | Northwestern garter snake | Reptiles | native | S4 |
Trifolium variegatum | white-tipped clover | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Triphysaria pusilla | dwarf orthocarpus | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Triteleia hyacinthina | white brodiaea | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Umbilicaria polyphylla | petalled rocktripe | Lichens | native | S4 |
Vaccinium ovatum | evergreen huckleberry | Vascular Plants | native | S4 |
Vulpia microstachysvar. pauciflora | small six-weeks grass | Graminoids | native | S4 |
Juniperus maritima | seaside juniper | Vascular Plants | native | S4 (2017) |
Callitriche heterophylla | large water-starwort | Aquatic Plants | native | S4 *listed subtaxa in BC |
Myotis lucifugus | little brown myotis | Mammals | native | S4 1-E G3 |
Arbutus menziesii | arbutus | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Castilleja attenuata | narrow-leaved owl clover | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Galium trifidum | small bedstraw | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Montia fontana | blinks | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Trifolium microcephalum | small-headed clover | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Trifolium oliganthum | few-flowered clover | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Trifolium willdenovii | tomcat clover | Vascular Plants | native | S4? |
Psaltriparus minimus | bushtit | Birds | native | S4B |
Amelanchier florida | Saskatoon berry | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Asplenium trichomanes | maidenhair spleenwort | Ferns & Allies | native | S4S5 |
Ceuthophilus agassizii | cave cricket | Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids | native | S4S5 |
Distichlis spicata | Greene seashore saltgrass | Graminoids | native | S4S5 |
Epilobium foliosum | California willowherb | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Homalothecium fulgescens | yellow curl-moss | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Homalothecium nuttallii | Nuttall’s Homalothecium | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Isothecium stoloniferum | cat's tail moss | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Lasionycteris noctivagans | silver-haired bat | Mammals | native | S4S5 |
Lemna turionifera | duckweeds | Aquatic Plants | native | S4S5 |
Leymus mollis | American dune grass | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Lycopus cf americanus | American water horehound | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Lysimachia thyrsiflora | tufted loosestrife | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Myotis californicus | california myotis | Mammals | native | S4S5 |
Neottia cordata | heartleaf twayblade | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Niphotrichum elongatum | long fringe-moss | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Omus dejeanii | greater night-stalking tiger beetle | Beetles | native | S4S5 |
Orthotrichum lyellii | Lyell’s bristle moss | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Pentagramma triangularis | goldenback fern | Ferns & Allies | native | S4S5 |
Physcia tenella | fringed rosette lichen | Lichens | native | S4S5 |
Plagiomnium insigne | badge moss | Bryophytes | native | S4S5 |
Rallus limicola | Virginia rail | Birds | native | S4S5 |
Rhizomnium glabrescens | fan moss | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Rumex occidentalis | Western dock | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Stellaria borealis ssp. sitchana | northern starwort | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Trientalis europaea ssp. arctica | Arctic starflower | Vascular Plants | native | S4S5 |
Megaceryle alcyon | belted kingfisher | Birds | native | S4S5B |
Selasphorus rufus | rufous hummingbird | Birds | native | S4S5B |
Setophaga nigrescens/townsendi | black-throated gray/Townsend’s warbler | Birds | native | S4S5B |
Tachycineta bicolor | tree swallow | Birds | native | S4S5B |
Tachycineta thalassina | violet-green swallow | Birds | native | S4S5B |
Abies grandis | grand fir | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Acer macrophyllum | bigleaf maple | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Achillea millefolium ssp. borealis | northern yarrow | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Achlys triphylla | vanilla leaf | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Adenocaulon bicolor | pathfinder | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Agoseris grandiflora | large-flowered agoseris | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Agoseris heterophylla ssp. heterophylla | annual agoseris | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Allium acuminatum | Hooker's onion | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Allium cernuum | nodding onion | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Alnus rubra | red alder | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ambrosia chamissonis | silver beachweed | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Amsinckia menziesii | Menzies' fiddleneck | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Anaphalis margaritacea | pearly everlasting | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Anthocharis sara | Sara orangetip | Butterflies & Moths | native | S5 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | kinnikinnick | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ariolimax columbianus | Pacific banana slug | Mollusks | native | S5 |
Athyrium filix-femina spp. cyclosorum | lady fern | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Atrichum undulatum | common smooth cap | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Aulacomnium androgynum | lover’s moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Berberis aquifolium | Oregon grape | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Berberis nervosa | dull Oregon grape | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Blechnum spicant | deer fern | Ferns & Allies | native | S5 |
Bombus bifarius | two-form bumblebee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | native | S5 |
Bombus centralis | central bumblebee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | native | S5 |
Bombus melanopygus | black-tailed bumblebee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | native | S5 |
Bombus sitkensis | Sitka bumblebee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | native | S5 |
Branta canadensis | Canada goose | Birds | native | S5 |
Bromus carinatus | California brome | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Bromus sitchensis | Alaska brome | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Bromus vulgaris | Columbia brome | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis | Western fairy-slipper | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Campanula scouleri | Scouler's harebell | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Camponotus modoc | western carpenter ant | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | native | S5 |
Cardamine oligosperma | little western bittercress | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Carex aquatilis var. dives | Sitka sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex cusickii | Cusick’s sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex deweyana var. deweyana | Dewey’s sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex diandra | lesser tussock sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex hendersonii | Henderson's sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex laeviculmis | smooth-stemmed sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex lasiocarpa | woolly-fruited sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex leptopoda | slender-footed sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex obnupta | slough sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Carex pachystachya | thick-headed sedge | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Castilleja hispida | harsh indian paintbrush | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Celastrina echo | echo azure | Butterflies & Moths | native | S5 |
Ceratodon purpureus | fire moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Certhia americana | brown creeper | Birds | native | S5 |
Cirsium brevistylum | short-styled thistle | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Cladonia portentosa | reindeer lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Claytonia parviflora | stream-bank springbeauty | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Claytonia sibirica | Siberian miner’s lettuce | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Clinopodium douglasii | yerba buena | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Colaptes auratus | northern flicker | Birds | native | S5 |
Collinsia parviflora | maiden blue-eyed Mary | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Collomia heterophylla | variableleaf collomia | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Comarum palustre | marsh cinquefoil | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Cornus nuttallii | Pacific dogwood | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Corvus caurinus | Northwestern crow | Birds | native | S5 |
Danthonia californica | California oat grass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Danthonia intermedia | timber oat grass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Daucus pusillus | American wild carrot | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Dicranum scoparium | broom moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Dicranum tauricum | fragile fork-moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Dryocopus pileatus | pileated woodpecker | Birds | native | S5 |
Dryopteris expansa | spiny wood fern | Ferns & Allies | native | S5 |
Eleocharis palustris | common spike-rush | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Elymus glaucus | blue wild rye | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Enallagma cf boreale | bluets (damselflies) | Dragonflies & Damselflies | native | S5 |
Epilobium brachycarpum | tall annual willowherb | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Epilobium ciliatum | fringed willowherb | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Epilobium minutum | little willowherb | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Eptesicus fuscus | big brown myotis | Mammals | native | S5 |
Equisetum arvense | field horsetail | Ferns & Allies | native | S5 |
Equisetum telmateia var. braunii | giant horsetail | Ferns & Allies | native | S5 |
Eriophorum angustifolium | common cotton-grass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Eriophorum chamissonis | russet cotton-grass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Eriophyllum lanatum | common woolly sunflower | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Erythranthe moschata | muskflower | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Evernia prunastri | antlered oakmoss llichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Festuca occidentalis | western fescue | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata | woodland strawberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Fritillaria affinis | checker lily | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Galium aparine | catchweed bedstraw | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Galium triflorum | sweet-scented bedstraw | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Gaultheria shallon | salal | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Geranium carolinianum | Carolina crane’s-bill | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum | large-leaved avens | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Gnaphalium cf. palustre | lowland cudweed | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Goodyera oblongifolia | Western rattlesnake plantain | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Grindelia stricta | Oregon gumplant | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Hieracium albiflorum | white hawkweed | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Hippuris vulgaris | common mare's tail | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Holodiscus discolor | ocean spray | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Hylocomium splendens | glittering wood-moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Hypnum circinale | coiled-leaf claw-moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Juncus bufonius | toad rush | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Kindbergia oregana | Oregon beaked moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Kindbergia praelonga | slender-beaked moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Koeleria macrantha | June grass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Lathyrus nevadensis var. pilosellus | purple peavine | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Leptogium palmatum | antlered jellyskin lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Leucolepis acanthoneura | Menzies' tree moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Linnaea borealis | twinflower | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Lithophragma parviflorum | smallflower woodland star | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Lobaria pulmonaria | tree lungwort | Lichens | native | S5 |
Lonicera ciliosa | orange honeysuckle | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Lonicera hispidula | pink honeysuckle | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Lontra canadensis | North American river otter | Mammals | native | S5 |
Loxia curvirostra | red crossbill | Birds | native | S5 |
Luzula subsessilis | short-stalked woodrush | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Lysichiton americanus | skunk cabbage | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Melica subulata | Alaska oniongrass | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Mentha arvensis | field mint | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Minuartia tenella | slender sandwort | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Myosotis laxa | bay forget-me-not | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Myotis yumanensis | yuma myotis | Mammals | native | S5 |
Nemophila parviflora var. parviflora | small-flowered nemophila | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Neovison vison | American mink | Mammals | native | S5 |
Nuphar polysepala | Western yellow pond-lilly | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Odocoileus hemionus ssp. columbianus | Columbian black-tailed deer | Mammals | native | S5 |
Oenanthe sarmentosa | Pacific water-parsley | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Osmorhiza berteroi | mountain sweet cicely | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Parmelia hygrophila | Western crottle | Lichens | native | S5 |
Parmelia saxatilis | salted shield lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Paxistima myrsinites | boxwood | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Peltigera membranacea | membranous pelt lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Phacelia linearis | borage family | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Philonotis fontana | fountain apple-moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Phoca vitulina | harbor seal | Mammals | native | S5 |
Pinus contorta | lodgepole pine | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Pipilo maculatus | spotted towhee | Birds | native | S5 |
Plantago maritima ssp. juncoides | sea plantain | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Platismatia herrei | Herre's ragged lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Plectritis congesta ssp. congesta | shortspur seablush | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Poa secunda ssp. secunda | Nevada bluegrass | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Poecile rufescens | chestnut-backed chickadee | Birds | native | S5 |
Polycauliona polycarpa | pin-cushion sunburst lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Polypodium glycyrrhiza | licorice fern | Ferns & Allies | native | S5 |
Polystichum munitum | sword fern | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Polytrichum juniperinum | juniper polytrichum moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Populus tremuloides | trembling aspen | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Populus trichocarpa | black cottonwood | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Porella navicularis | tree ruffle liverwort | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Potentilla anserina spp. pacifica | pacific silverweed | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Procyon lotor | common raccoon | Mammals | native | S5 |
Prunus emarginata | bitter cherry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Prunus virginiana | choke cherry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Pseudacris regilla | Pacific chorus frog | Amphibians | native | S5 |
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii | coast Douglas-fir | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Pteridium aquilinum ssp. pubescens | hairy bracken fern | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Quercus garryana | Garry oak | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ranunculus occidentalis var. occidentalis | Western buttercup | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ranunculus uncinatus | woodland buttercup | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rhamnus purshiana | cascara | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rhionaeschna californica | California darner | Dragonflies & Damselflies | native | S5 |
Rhytidiadelphus loreus | lanky moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | stairstep moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Ribes divaricatum | wild gooseberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ribes lacustre | black gooseberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Ribes sanguineum | red-flowering currant | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rosa gymnocarpa | baldhip rose | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rosa nutkana | nootka rose | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rubus leucodermis | blackcap raspberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rubus parviflorus | thimbleberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rubus spectabilis | salmonberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Rubus ursinus | trailing blackberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Salicornia pacifica | American glasswort | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Salix hookeriana | Hooker’s willow | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Salix scouleriana | Scouler’s willow | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens var. arborescens | red elderberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | softstem bulrush | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Scirpus microcarpus | small-flowered bullrush | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Sedum spathulifolium | broad-leaved stonecrop | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Selaginella wallacei | Wallace’s selaginella | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Shepherdia canadensis | soopolallie | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Sparganium angustifolium | burr-reed | Graminoids | native | S5 |
Spergularia canadensis | Canada sandspurry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Sphaerophorus tuckermanii | Tuckerman's coral lichen | Lichens | native | S5 |
Sphagnum fuscum | Brown Peatmoss | Bryophytes | native | S5 |
Spiraea douglasii ssp. douglasii | rose spiraea | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Spirodela polyrhiza | greater duckweed | Aquatic Plants | native | S5 |
Stachys cooleyae | Cooley’s hedge-nettle | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Stellaria crispa | crisp starwort | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus | common snowberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Symphoricarpos mollis | creeping snowberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Taxus brevifolia | Pacific yew | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Tellima grandifloraa | fringe cups | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Thuja plicata | western redcedar | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Tiarella trifoliata | threeleaf foamflower | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Tolmiea menziesii | piggy-back plant | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Trisetum cernuum | nodding trisetum | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Tsuga heterophylla | western hemlock | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Turritis glabra | tower mustard | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Typha latifolia | broadleaf cattail | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Vaccinium parvifolium | red huckleberry | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Vanessa atalanta | red admiral | Butterflies & Moths | native | S5 |
Veronica americana | American brooklime | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Veronica scutellata | marsh speedwell | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Veronica serpyllifolia var. humifusa | bright blue speedwell | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Vicia americana | American vetch | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Viola palustris var. palustris | alpine marsh violet | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Zostera marina | common eelgrass | Vascular Plants | native | S5 |
Cyanocitta stelleri | Steller’s jay | Birds | native | S5 *listed subtaxa in BC |
Dicranum fuscescens | dusky fork-moss | Bryophytes | native | S5 *listed subtaxa in BC |
Anisocarpus madioides | woodland madia | Vascular Plants | native | S5? |
Myotis evotis | long-eared myotis | Mammals | native | S5? |
Pinus ponderosa | Ponderosa pine | Vascular Plants | native | S5? |
Potamogeton natans | floating pondweed | Aquatic Plants | native | S5? |
Actitis macularius | spotted sandpiper | Birds | native | S5B |
Bombycilla cedrorum | cedar waxwing | Birds | native | S5B |
Catharus ustulatus | Swainson’s thrush | Birds | native | S5B |
Corvus corax | common raven | Birds | native | S5B |
Empidonax difficilis | Pacific slope flycatcher | Birds | native | S5B |
Empidonax traillii | willow flycatcher | Birds | native | S5B |
Geothlypis trichas | common yellowthroat | Birds | native | S5B |
Junco hyemalis | dark-eyed junco | Birds | native | S5B |
Lophodytes cucullatus | hooded merganser | Birds | native | S5B |
Melospiza melodia | song sparrow | Birds | native | S5B |
Oreothlypis celata | orange-crowned warbler | Birds | native | S5B |
Pheucticus melanocephalus | black-headed grosbeak | Birds | native | S5B |
Picoides pubescens | downy woodpecker | Birds | native | S5B |
Piranga ludoviciana | Western tanager | Birds | native | S5B |
Regulus satrapa | golden-crowned kinglet | Birds | native | S5B |
Setophaga coronata auduboni | yellow-rumped warbler (Audubon’s) | Birds | native | S5B |
Setophaga townsendi | Townsend’s warbler | Birds | native | S5B |
Sitta canadensis | red-breasted nuthatch | Birds | native | S5B |
Sphyrapicus ruber | red-breasted sapsucker | Birds | native | S5B |
Spinus pinus | pine sisken | Birds | native | S5B |
Strix varia | Barred Owl | Birds | native | S5B |
Troglodytes aedon | house wren | Birds | native | S5B |
Turdus migratorius | American robin | Birds | native | S5B |
Vireo gilvus | warbling vireo | Birds | native | S5B |
Zonotrichia leucophrys | white-crowned sparrow | Birds | native | S5B |
Agelaius phoeniceus | red-winged blackbird | Birds | native | S5B, S5N |
Anas platyrhynchos | mallard | Birds | native | S5B, S5N |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | bald eagle | Birds | native | S5B, S5N |
Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis | Western spotted coralroot | Vascular Plants | native | SU |
Achillea millefolium ssp. millefolium | common yarrow | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Acmispon parviflorus | short-flower deervetch | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Adela septentrionella | fairy moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Adela trigrapha | three-striped longhorn | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Aeolidia papillosa | nudibranch | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Agromyza ambigua | fly | Flies | exotic | unlisted |
Agrostis cf capillaris | colonial bentgrass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Agrostis cf stolonifera | creeping bentgrass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Agrotis vancouverensis | Vancouver dart moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Aira caryophyllea | silver hairgrass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Aira praecox | early hair grass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Ajuga reptans | carpet bugle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Amanita aprica | Jans yellow friend | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Amanita pantherina | panthercap | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Anisolabis maritima | maritime earwig | Earwigs | exotic | unlisted |
Anoplarchus purpurescens | high cockscomb | Fish | native | unlisted |
Anthopleura artemisia | moonglow anemone | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Anthopleura elegantissima | aggregating anemone | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Anthoxanthum aristatum | small sweet vernal grass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | sweet vernal grass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Anthriscus caucalis | bur chervil | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Aphanes arvensis | field parsley piert | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Apis mellifera | honey bee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | exotic | unlisted |
Araneus diadematus | cross orbweaver | Arachnids | exotic | unlisted |
Arion rufus | chocolate arion | Mollusks | exotic | unlisted |
Arrhenatherum elatius | false oatgrass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Autographa californica | alfalfa looper | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Balanus glandula | acorn barnacle | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Banasa dimidiata | stink bug | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | unlisted | unlisted |
Bellis perennis | English daisy | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Bromus hordeaceus | soft brome | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Bromus rigidus | rip-gut brome | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Bromus sterilis | poverty brome | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Bromus tectorum | cheat grass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Buckiella undulata | waved silk-moss | Bryophytes | unlisted | unlisted |
Bugulina californica | — | Bryozoan | unlisted | unlisted |
Bulla sp. | bubble snail | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Buprestis aurulenta | golden buprestid | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Cakile edentula | American searocket | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Calystegia silvatica | shortstalk false bindweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cancer productus | red rock crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Canis familiaris | domestic dog | Mammals | unlisted | unlisted |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | shepherd's purse | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cardamine hirsuta | hairy bittercress | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cerastium arvense | field chickweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cerastium glomeratum | sticky mouse-ear chickweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ceratostoma foliatum | leafy hornmouth | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Chalcophora angulicollis | Western sculptured pine borer | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Chersodromia insignita | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Cirsium arvense | Canada thistle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cirsium vulgare | bull thistle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Clevelandia ios | arrow gobi | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Clinocera trunca | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Cnemidocarpa finmarkiensis | shiny red sea squirt | Tunicates | unlisted | unlisted |
Coelopa nebularum | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Columba livia | rock pigeon | Birds | exotic | unlisted |
Coprinopsis micaceus | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted | |
Corella sp. | transparent tunicate | Tunicates | unlisted | unlisted |
Coriarachne brunneipes | crab spider | Arachnids | unlisted | unlisted |
Cotoneaster spp. | cotoneaster | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Crassadoma gigantea | giant rock scallop | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Crataegus douglasii | black hawthorn | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Crataegus monogyna | common hawthorn | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Crepis capillaris | smooth hawksbeard | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Cryptorhynchus lapathi | poplar-and-willow borer | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Ctenophora vittata | large crane fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Cucumaria miniata | orange sea cucumber | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Cycloneda polita | Western spotless ladybeetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Cynosurus cristatus | crested dogtail | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Cynosurus echinatus | hedgehog dogtail | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Cytisus scoparius | scotch broom | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dacrymyces chrysospermus | orange jelly spot | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Dactylis glomerata | orchard grass | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dalopius corvinus | click beetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Dalopius tristis | click beetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Daphne laureola | spurge laurel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dasyscyphella sp. | — | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Daucus carota | Queen Anne's lace | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dendronotus iris | rainbow nudibranch | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Dendronotus venustus | branched dendronotus | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Dermasterias imbricata | leather star | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Digitalis purpurea | foxglove | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dipsacus fullonum | Fuller’s teasel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Doris montereyensis | Monterey dorid | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Draba verna | common draba | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Dysdera crocata | woodlouse spider | Arachnids | exotic | unlisted |
Elasmostethus cruciatus | red-cross shield bug | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | unlisted | unlisted |
Endrosis sarcitrella | white-shouldered house moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Entolomataceae sp. (cf Nolanea sp.) | — | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Epirrhoe alternata | common carpet | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Epitheca spinigera | baskettails | Dragonflies & Damselflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Eristalis obscura | drone fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Erodium cicutarium | stork’s bill | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Erythranthe guttata | common monkeyflower | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Eudistylia vancouveri | northern feather-duster worm | Annelids | unlisted | unlisted |
Euphorbia characias ssp wulfenii | evergreen spurge | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Eutrichota caduca | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Evasterias torschelii | mottled star | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Filago pyramidata | broad-leaved cudweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Fomitopsis pinicola | red-belted conk | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Forficula auricularia | common earwig | Earwigs | exotic | unlisted |
Formica fusca | ant | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Fucellia fucorum | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Fucus distichus | rockweed | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Ganoderma sp. | artist’s bracket fungus | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Geranium dissectum | cut-leaved crane's-bill | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Geranium molle | dove’s foot geranium | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Geranium robertianum | herb Robert | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Glebocarcinus oregonensis | pygmy rock crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Glechoma hederacea | ground ivy | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Haemorhous mexicanus | house finch | Birds | unlisted | unlisted |
Halidamia affinis | saw fly | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Harmonia axyridis | Asian lady beetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Hedera helix | English ivy | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Hemigrapsus nudus | purple shore crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Hemigrapsus oregonensis | yellow shore crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Henricia leviuscula | Pacific blood star | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Heptacarpus brevirostris | stout coastal shrimp | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Hermissenda crassicornis | opalescent nudibranch | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Hesperis matronalis | dame's rocket | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Holcus lanatus | common velvet-grass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Hordeum murinum | wall barley | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Hyacinthoides hispanica | bluebells | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Hylemya alcathoe | root maggot fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Hypena decorata | hypenine snout moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Hypericum perforatum | common St. John’s wort | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Hypochaeris glabra | smooth cat's ear | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Hypochaeris radicata | hairy cat’s ear | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ilex aquifolium | European holly | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Imbribryum torenii | — | Bryophytes | unlisted | unlisted |
Inocybe sp. | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted | |
Iphthiminus serratus | darkling beetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Iris pseudacorus | yellow flag-iris | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ischnura cervula | Pacific forktail | Dragonflies & Damselflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Jacobaea vulgaris | ragwort | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Janolus fuscus | white-and-orange-tipped nudibranch | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Juncus effusus | common rush | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Kopsiopsis hookeri | Vancouver groundcone | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Laburnum anagyroides | common laburnum | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Lamium purpureum | red deadnettle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Lapposyrphus lapponicus | hover fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Lapsana communis | common nipplewort | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Lepidopsetta sp. | right-eye flounder | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Leptarctia californiae | California tiger moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Leucanthemum vulgare | oxeye daisy | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ligia occidentalis | Western sea roach | Isopods | unlisted | unlisted |
Ligidium gracile | isopod | Isopods | unlisted | unlisted |
Limonia marmorata | marine crane fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Linaria purpurea | purple toadflax | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Littorina sitkana | Sitka periwinkle | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Lolium perenne | perennial ryegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Lophocampa argentata | silver-spotted tiger moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Lophocampa maculata | spotted tussock moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Lophopanopeus cf bellus | blackclaw crestleg crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Lotus corniculatus | bird’s foot trefoil | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Lotus denticulatus | riverbar bird’s-foot trefoil | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Lumpenus sagitta | snake prickleback | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Lupinus bicolor spp. bicolor | miniature lupine | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Lysimachia latifolia | western starflower | Vascular Plants | native | unlisted |
Margarites pupillus | puppet margarite | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Marmara arbutiella | madrone skin miner | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Matricaria discoidea | pineapple weed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Mazzaella cf parksii | Parks’ irridescent seaweed | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Mazzaella splendens | splendid irridescent seaweed | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Melanolophia imitata | Western carpet | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Mentha x spicata | spearmint | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Mesoleuca gratulata | Western white-ribboned carpet | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Metacarcinus gracilis | graceful rock crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Micranthes integrifolia | grassland saxifrage | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Microsteris gracilis var. gracilis | pink twink | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Misumena vatia | goldenrod crab spider | Arachnids | native | unlisted |
Mitrocoma cellularia | cross jelly | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Mollisia sp. | — | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Mopalia lignosa | woody chiton | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Mopalia muscosa | mossy chiton | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Mopalia vespertina | chiton | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Mulsantina picta | painted ladybird | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Mycelis muralis | wall lettuce | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Myosotis arvensis | forget-me-nots | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Myosotis discolor | changing forget-me-not | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Myosotis sylvatica | wood forget-me-not | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Myxicola sp. | feather duster worm | Annelids | unlisted | unlisted |
Nanomia bijuga | — | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Neorhodomela larix | black pine | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Neoturris breviconis | athecate hydroid | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Nereocystis luetkeana | bull kelp | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Neverita lewisii | Lewis’ moon snail | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Nicrophorus defodiens | burying beetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Nolanea cf verna | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted | |
Nomada sp. | nomad bee | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Nucella lamellosa | winkled purple | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Oedoparena glauca | barnacle fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Oligocottus maculosus | tidepool sculpin | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Onchidoris bilamellata | rough-mantled doris | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Oregonia gracilis | graceful decorator crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Ornithogalum umbellatum | common star-of-Bethlehem | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Orthosia transparens | dart moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Orthotrichum rupestre | rock bristle-moss | Bryophytes | unlisted | unlisted |
Oscinella nitidissima | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Oxalis corniculata | creeping woodsorel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Oxalis stricta | common yellow oxalis | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Pagurus granosimanus | grainy hermit crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Pandalus hypsinotus | coonstriped shrimp | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Panus conchatus | lilac oysterling | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Parastichopus californicus | giant Californian sea cucumber | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Pardosa vancouveri | wolf spider | Arachnids | unlisted | unlisted |
Pemphredon inornata | aphid wasp | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Petrolisthes eriomerus | flattop crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Petroselinum crispum | garden parsley | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Phalacrocorax pelagicus | pelagic cormorant | Birds | native | unlisted |
Phalaris arundinacea | reed canary grass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Phleum pratense | Timothy | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Phlox gracilis ssp. gracilis | annual phlox | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Phlyctis argena | whitewash lichen | Lichens | unlisted | unlisted |
Pholis laeta | crescent gunnel | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Phyllodesma americana | American lappet moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Pisaster brevispinus | giant pink seastar | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Pisaster ochraceus | ochre seastar | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Plantago lanceolata | English plantain | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Plantago major | common plantain | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Pleurotus ostreatus | oyster mushroom | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Pleurotus pulmonarius | summer oyster mushroom | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Poa annua | annual bluegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Poa bulbosa ssp. vivipara | bulbous bluegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Poa compressa | Canada bluegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis | Kentucky bluegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Poa trivialis | rough bluegrass | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Pollenia angustigena | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Polygonum aviculare | common knotweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Populus nigra | black poplar | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Porcellio scaber | common rough woodlouse | Isopods | unlisted | unlisted |
Primula vulgaris | primrose | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Prunella vulgaris ssp. vulgaris | common selfheal | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Prunus avium | sweet cherry | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Prunus cerasifera | cherry plum | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Prunus laurocerasus | cherry laurel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Psyllobora borealis | Western fairy ladybeetle | Beetles | unlisted | unlisted |
Pugettia gracilis | graceful kelp crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Pugettia producta | northern kelp crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Pycnopodia helianthoides | sunflower seastar | Echinoderms | unlisted | unlisted |
Pyrus communis | common pear | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ranunculus acris | meadow buttercup | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ranunculus repens | creeping buttercup | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rhagio californicus | predatory snipe fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Rheum rhabarbarum | rhubarb | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rhinogobiops nicholsii | crested goby | Fish | unlisted | unlisted |
Rhodocollybia butyracea | buttery Collybia | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Robinia pseudocacia | black locust | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rosa rubiginosa | sweet-brier rose | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rubus armeniacus | Himalayan blackberry | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rubus laciniatus | cutleaf blackberry | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rumex acetosella | sheep sorrel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rumex crispus | curly dock | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Rumex obtusifolius | bitter dock | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra | Pacific willow | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii | red algae | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Sargassum muticum | Japanese Wireweed | Algae & Kelp | exotic | unlisted |
Scatella crassicosta | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Scathophaga intermedia | scathophagid fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Schedonorusarundinacea | tall Fescue | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Schizobranchia insignis | feather duster worm | Annelids | unlisted | unlisted |
Schizophyllum commune | splitgill mushroom | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Scutellinia scutellata grp. | Molly eye-winker | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Sedum album | white stonecrop | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sedum forsterianum | rock stonecrop | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Senecio jacobaea | tansy ragwort | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Senecio sylvaticus | wood groundsel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Senecio vulgaris | common groundsel | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sergiolus columbianus | ground spider | Arachnids | native | unlisted |
Serpula columbiana | serpulid worm | Annelids | unlisted | unlisted |
Silene coronaria | rose campion | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sisymbrium officinale | hedge mustard | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sonchus arvensis | perennial sow thistle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sonchus asper | spiny sow thistle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sonchus oleraceus | common sowthistle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Sorbus aucuparia | rowan | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Spergula arvensis | corn spurry | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Spergularia rubra | red sandspurry | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Spilogona magnipunctata | fly | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Spilosoma virginica | Virginian tiger moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Stellaria media | common chickweed | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Stomotoca atra | athecate hydroid | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Sympetrum illotum | cardinal meadowhawk | Dragonflies & Damselflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Tanacetum vulgare | common tansy | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Taraxacum laevigatum | red-seeded dandelion | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Taraxacum officinale | common dandelion | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Telmessus cheiragonus | helmet crab | Crustaceans | unlisted | unlisted |
Thalassosmittia marina | midge | Flies | unlisted | unlisted |
Thlaspi arvense | field penny-cress | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Tonicella lineata | lined chiton | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Torillis japonica | upright hedge-parsley | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Toxicoscordion venenosum | meadow deathcamas | Vascular Plants | unlisted | unlisted |
Tragopogon porrifolius | salsify | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Trametes pubescens | hairy turkey tail | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Trametes sp. | turkey tail | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Trametes versicolor | true turkey tail | Fungi | unlisted | unlisted |
Trifolium campestre | hop trefoil | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Trifolium dubium | lesser hop trefoil | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Trifolium hybridum | alsike clover | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Trifolium repens | white clover | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Trifolium subterraneum | subterranean clover | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Triopha catalinae | sea clown triopha | Mollusks | unlisted | unlisted |
Tubulanus polymorphus | red ribbon worm | Ribbon Worms | unlisted | unlisted |
Udea profundalis | spilomeline moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Ulex europaeus | gorse | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Ulva cf intestinalis | sea lettuce | Algae & Kelp | unlisted | unlisted |
Urtica dioica | nettle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Urticina coriacea | stubby rose anemone | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Urticina crassicornis | Christmas anemone | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Urticina grebelnyi | painted anemone | Cnidaria | unlisted | unlisted |
Verbascum thapsus | great mullein | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Veronica arvensis | corn speedwell | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Veronica officinalis | heath speedwell | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Veronica serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia | thyme-leaved speedwell | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Vespula pensylvanica | western yellowjacket | Ants, Bees, Wasps & Sawflies | unlisted | unlisted |
Vicia hirsuta | hairy tare | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Vicia sativa var. sativa | common vetch | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Vinca major | greater periwinkle | Vascular Plants | exotic | unlisted |
Vulpia bromoides | barren fescue | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Vulpia myuros | rat’s-tail fescue | Graminoids | exotic | unlisted |
Xanthorhoe defensaria | carpet moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Zale lunata | lunate zale moth | Butterflies & Moths | unlisted | unlisted |
Alopecosa kochi | wolf spider | Arachnids | ||
Anyphaena aperta | — | Arachnids | ||
Callobius pictus | hackled mesh weaver | Arachnids | ||
Platycotis vittata | oak treehopper | True Bugs, Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids and Allies | ||
Xysticus pretiosus | crab spider | Arachnids |