Bellhouse Provincial Park
Galiano Island, BCBellhouse Provincial Park
Mount Sutil
Bellhouse Provincial Park’s Biodiversity
Last updated January 2018
Presented below is a working list of species known to Bellhouse Provincial Park, Galiano Island, BC. This dynamic parkland features coastal woodlands and associated meadow and bluff communities exposed to the marine elements of Active Pass.
Our checklist for this place has been compiled mostly through a community effort, with the majority of records added through the Biodiversity Galiano project via iNaturalist. Contributing community members include Alison Colwell and the twins, Felix Erhard, Tyrel Froese, Michael Hoebel, Adam Huggins, Lauren Magner, Ayla Malcolm, Andrew Simon, Sarah Tweedale, Alexander Wright and Anthony Wood. Additional historical records include reports made by Hans Roemer, Steve Joya and Olivia Lee. Please help add to this list by contributing your observations to the Biodiversity Galiano project!
Browse the gallery on the right for photographs featuring some of the sights to be seen at Bellhouse Park. The following list is searchable and can be sorted by scientific name, common name, group, family, conservation status and provenance. Note there are many waifs and exotic species to be found in this park, alongside sensitive native species.

Taxon | Common Name | Group/Habit | Family | Status | Observer(s) |
Sargassum muticum | Japanese wireweed | algae & kelp | Sargassaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Ulva sp. | sea lettuce | algae & kelp | Ulvaceae | — | T. Froese (2017) |
Agriotes lineatus | lined click beetle | beetles | Elateridae | exotic | A. Malcolm (2017) |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | bald eagle | birds | Accipitridae | S5B,S5N (2015) | A. Wood (2017) |
Megaceryle alcyon | belted kingfisher | birds | Alcedinidae | S4S5B (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Melanitta perspicillata | surf scoter | birds | Anatidae | S3B,S4N (2015) | K. Valentine (2016) |
Corvus corax | common raven | birds | Corvidae | S5B (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Stelgidopteryx serripennis | northern rough-winged swallow | birds | Hirundinidae | S4S5B (2015) | M. Hoebel (2011) |
Molothrus ater | brown-headed cowbird | birds | Icteridae | S5B (2015) | A. Wood (2017) |
Melospiza melodia | song sparrow | birds | Passerellidae | S5B (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Dryocopus pileatus | pileated woodpecker | birds | Picidae | S5 (2015) | A. Huggins (2016) |
Hemigrapsus nudus | purple shore crab | crustaceans | Varunidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Polypodium glycyrrhiza | licorice fern | ferns & allies | Polypodiaceae | S5 | A. Colwell (2016); A. Huggins (2016) |
Tabaninae | horse fly | flies | Tabanidae | — | L. Magner (2015) |
Juncus bufonius | toad rush | grasses, sedges & rushes | Juncaceae | S5 (2017) | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Aira caryophyllea | silver hairgrass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Anthoxanthum aristatum | annual vernal grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | H. Roemer (2000) |
Bromus hordeaceus | common soft brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Bromus rigidus | ripgut brome | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Dactylis glomerata | orchard grass | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Hordeum murinum | wall barley | grasses, sedges & rushes | Poaceae | exotic | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Narcissus pseudo-narcissus | daffodil | herbs | Amaryllidaceae | exotic | L. Magner (2016) |
Anthriscus caucalis | bur parsley | herbs | Apiaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017); S. Tweedale (2017) |
Osmorhiza berteroi | mountain sweet cicely | herbs | Apiaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Sanicula crassicaulis | Pacific sanicle | herbs | Apiaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2017) |
Brodiaea coronaria | crown brodiaea | herbs | Asparagaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2016); A. Huggins (2016) |
Camassia leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii | Leichtlin's camassia | herbs | Asparagaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Colwell (2016); A. Simon (2017) |
Scilla forbesii | Forbes' glory-of-the-snow | herbs | Asparagaceae | exotic | A. Colwell (2016); S. Tweedale (2016) |
Triteleia hyacinthina | white brodiaea | herbs | Asparagaceae | S4 | A. Huggins (2016); A. Simon (2017) |
Anisocarpus madioides | woodland madia | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Bellis perennis | English daisy | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | L. Magner (2015) |
Hieracium albiflorum | white hawkweed | herbs | Asteraceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Hypochaeris radicata | hairy cat’s-ear | herbs | Asteraceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Myosotis discolor | changing forget-me-not | herbs | Boraginaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Cardamine hirsuta | hairy bittercress | herbs | Brassicaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016) |
Draba verna | spring draba | herbs | Brassicaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Plectritis congesta | shortspur seablush | herbs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | A. Colwell (2016); A. Simon (2017) |
Spergula arvensis | corn spurrey | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Stellaria media | common chickweed | herbs | Caryophyllaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Sedum spathulifolium | broadleaf stonecrop | herbs | Crassulaceae | S5 | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2017) |
Lathyrus nevadensis var. pilosellus | Sierra Nevada peavine | herbs | Fabaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016) |
Trifolium dubium | lesser hop trefoil | herbs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Trifolium variegatum | white-tipped clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Trifolium willdenovii | tomcat clover | herbs | Fabaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2017) |
Vicia americana | American vetch | herbs | Fabaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Vicia sativa | common vetch | herbs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Geranium molle | dove's-foot crane's-bill | herbs | Geraniaceae | exotic | A. Colwell (2016) |
Lamium purpureum | red deadnettle | herbs | Lamiaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2017) |
Erythronium oregonum | giant white fawn lily | herbs | Liliaceae | S4? (2015) | L. Magner (2015); A. Colwell (2016); K. Valentine (2016) |
Claytonia perfoliata | miner's lettuce | herbs | Montiaceae | S4 (2001) | A. Colwell (2016) |
Montia fontana | blinks | herbs | Montiaceae | S4 | S. Tweedale (2017); T. Froese (2017) |
Montia parvifolia var. parvifolia | small-leaved blinks | herbs | Montiaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2016) |
Piperia elongata | denseflower rein orchid | herbs | Orchidaceae | S3S4 (2015) | A. Huggins (2016) |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana | hooded ladies' tresses | herbs | Orchidaceae | S4 | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Triphysaria pusilla | dwarf orthocarpus | herbs | Orobanchaceae | S4 | A. Simon (2017) |
Erythranthe nasuta | seep monkeyflower | herbs | Phrymaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Collinsia parviflora | maiden blue-eyed mary | herbs | Plantaginaceae | S5 (2015) | L. Magner (2016) |
Ranunculus occidentalis | Western buttercup | herbs | Ranunculaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Micranthes integrifolia | wholeleaf saxifrage | herbs | Saxifragaceae | S4 (2001) | A. Colwell (2016) |
Thelloma mammosum | rock nipple lichen | lichens | Caliciaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Cladina portentosa spp. pacifica | maritime reindeer lichen | lichens | Cladoniaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Cladonia coniocraea | common powderhorn | lichens | Cladoniaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Leptogium palmatum | antlered jellyskin | lichens | Collemataceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Lecidella asema | disk lichen | lichens | Lecanorineae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Tephromela atra | black-eye lichen | lichens | Mycoblastaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2016) |
Nephroma laevigatum | mustard paw lichen | lichens | Nephromataceae | S3S4 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Evernia prunastri | antlered oakmoss | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S4S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Melanelixia subaurifera | abraded camouflage lichen | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Parmela saxatilis | salted crottle | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Parmelia hygrophila | granulating crottle | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Parmelia sulcata | hammered crottle | lichens | Parmeliaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Physcia adscendens | hooded rosette lichen | lichens | Physciaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Ramalina farinacea | hyphenated ribbon | lichens | Ramalinaceae | S5 (2010) | A. Simon (2016) |
Blastenia ferruginea | firedot lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Caloplaca citrina | mealy firedot lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Caloplaca marina | firedot lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Xanthomendoza oregana | Oregon sunburst lichen | lichens | Teloschistaceae | S1S2 (2010) | A. Simon (2017) |
Umbilicaria polyphylla | petalled rocktripe | lichens | Umbilicariaceae | S4 (2010) | A. Simon & A.J. Wright (2017) |
Philonotis capillaris | apple-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Bartramiaceae | S4 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Philonotis fontana | spring moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Bartramiaceae | S5 | S. Joya & O. Lee (2017); A. Simon (2017) |
Imbribryum miniatum | red thread-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Bryaceae | S4S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Dicranum scoparium | broom moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Dicranaceae | S5 (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Pseudoscleropodium purum | neat feather-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Entodontaceae | exotic | L. Magner & A. Simon (2016) |
Niphotrichum elongatum | long fringe-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Grimmiaceae | S4S5 | T. Froese (2017) |
Pleurozium schreberi | red-stemmed feather moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 (2015) | T. Froese (2017) |
Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | electrified cat’s-tail moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Hylocomiaceae | S5 | T. Froese (2017) |
Polytrichum juniperinum | juniper polytrichum moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Polytrichaceae | S5 | T. Froese (2017) |
Tortula muralis | wall screw-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Pottiaceae | S4? (2015) | A. Simon (2017) |
Trichostomum tenuirostre | narrow-fruited crisp-moss | mosses, liverworts & hornworts | Pottiaceae | S4S5 (2011) | A. Simon (2017) |
Berberis aquifolium | Oregon grape | shrubs | Berberidaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2016); A. Colwell (2016) |
Lonicera hispidula | pink honeysuckle | shrubs | Caprifoliaceae | S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Cytisus scoparius | Scotch broom | shrubs | Fabaceae | exotic | A. Simon (2016) |
Ulex europaeus | gorse | shrubs | Fabaceae | exotic | F. Erhard (2013); A. Simon (2016); A. Malcolm (2017); K. Toomer (2017) |
Amelanchier florida | Saskatoon | shrubs | Rosaceae | S4S5 | A. Simon (2017) |
Sergiolus columbianus | gnaphosid spider | spiders | Gnaphosidae | unlisted | A. Simon (2017) |
Arbutus menziesii | arbutus | trees | Ericaceae | S4 | A. Colwell (2016); L. Magner (2016); A. Simon (2017) |
Quercus garryana | Garry oak | trees | Fagaceae | S5 | A. Colwell (2016); L. Magner (2016); A. Simon (2017) |
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii | coast Douglas-fir | trees | Pinaceae | S5 | A. Colwell (2016); L. Magner (2016) |